Discussion in 'Wars' started by TheLastOneAlive, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. LOL!! When does we become their practise clan? Zaft need so many clan to war us, shame or not? :lol: :lol: :lol:
  2. *** WARNING: LONG POST ***
    This post is to shed the truth, and address the quarter-truths that Mr RumorControl, a well-known deceitful liar, has posted. Each of your points will be addressed, both truth and lies.

    That's true, no one denies that. Neither do we.

    It's nothing amazing at your skilfulness in weaving lies into your half-truths.

    Truth: Judgment farmed DR member.

    RumorControl's Lie: it was not merely because of 2x steals.

    DR member was farmed for being rude to Judgment member. Yes, we will farm for the slightest reason. Give us a reason and we will do that. That was reason enough.

    Screen shots were asked. As far as I know, CF was discussed and screen shots were promised to -Wizard- in ZAFT Destiny. The member who had the SS was on shift work, and it was 2 days before the SS could be taken.

    Before the SS was given, our member was stripped by ZAFT. This points out to two conclusions
    (1) ZAFT is extremely disorganised (as I have already said) and the message and promise was not conveyed, or
    (2) ZAFT isn't interested in the SS at all.

    DR is a secret clan of ZAFT Destiny. Fact is, when we realised certain ZAFT members were in DR and went back to clan, orders were given on CA NOT to hit ZAFT members who went back to ZAFT clan, because ZAFT was YAFI's friend, and we are allied with YAFI. ZAFT got involved because DR is ZAFT's secret clan.

    Note that had ZAFT declared DR as their secret clan, CF will be given immediately. No, ZAFT did say that till long after the war. You may check with Suspect with this.

    As proof, many in DR eventually went to ZAFT clans.

    Again, more half-truths by the professional liar Mr RumorControl

    Truth: Yes, the merger is nothing new. We are blood alliance after all.
    RumorControl's Lie: None of the clans have been decimated by war at all.
    Consolidation has been long on our minds, and had been the reason given for the first CF to ZAFT admins in FAITH and Destiny. Because of the decisions to start consolidating operations with YAFI, we wanted to respect YAFI's friendship with ZAFT. This has been conveyed to more than one admin through PM.

    Your glaringly flawed logic in this paragraph truly points out where you are lying. In fact, this paragraph is just full of your deceitful lies.

    First, no one has ever denied that kingdoms in Judgment were not from Wilders. Naturally, you would be able to locate the that certain mains came from Wilders, merely because they came from there. They are the mains. In fact, some of the kingdoms in Wilders were unhappy because they wanted to war, and war for themselves, and not do EBs. To farm, to play the game as a war game, and not do EBs.

    Second, Wilders and Chili merged way after Judgment was formed. Why? Because by then, most of the original Wilders and Chili members have already retired. The remaining members merged to form a clan that is more able to complete the more difficult EBs. Definitely, we are indirectly related to Wilders and will definitely help when needed, but we are definitely not the secret spy clan of Wilders. We are a war clan, seeking to war and farm for the slightest reason.

    Third, Lady D's main was not in Wilders_Chili when the war started. She did not come from Wilders_Chili. She entered the clan after the war started.

    Fourth, the most blatant lie, is that numerous strips were funded by Wilders. This is basically rubbish because the strips done at that point in time were all in hundreds of billions, of which Judgment mains could well afford it. Not trillions. Most in Wilders_Chili were not that rich at all. The richest have already sold their accounts to certain LB players.

    Fifth, kingdoms doing EBs in Wilders_Chili were not aware at all of Judgment's activities, simply because most are guests and the rest only interested in EBs. You would have seen from the wall posts asking what happened when ZAFT started farming them.

    Sixth, most of ZAFT's strips on Judgment failed. We merely potted up. It was so easy to sell the trillions in pots to strip Ithaca's new bank. We lost more from potting up, and then selling the pots, than from being stripped. It was so easy to know when ZAFT conducts the strip. Little do you guys know that our guys are doing the night shift work in a MNC, and merely potted up when allies are bought off. A few billions are then left out for ZAFT's crystals to be used :lol:

    I truly applaud you for a short paragraph that contains so many lies, yet could still sound natural. You are truly a professional liar. Guess it can't be helped because of your serious lack of knowledge of events.

    This is plain rubbish. Our member was banned immediately after CF for some unknown reason, and ZAFT obviously did not know it at all. There are multiple SS to prove that ZAFT did not know the member was banned.

    Don't lie when you don't know the facts.

    It is therefore still constituted as a breaking of CF.

    Also note that many ZAFT admins did not know what happened when CF was broken. The reasons different admins in Corp gave were all different and confusing because they didn't know at all the real reason. If ZAFT Corp admins do not know the true reasons, why would you know? Obviously you are trying to weave lies in again.

    We have been respectful as of yet not to post SS of private messages so far of ZAFT admins wanting CF. It appears that you badly want us to post the SS to humilate ZAFT.

    Certain members that left early in the war were from Black Hand, which has some indirect affliation with ZAFT, and they do not want to hit their friends in ZAFT. We were afterall part of the Black Hand family.

    Some quitted for real life issues after the first CF, and we respect real life issues come first before KaW.

    That will be all I have for you.

    You are basically humiliating LP022 and Suspect for honouring the CF so fervently and respectably.

    To prove that wrong, we did a mini trillion strip before merging. The reasons for the delayed merge will only be known to us.

    And to prove that you are lying with your half truths again, I don't see where we have boasted that we have 100 hansels.

    We don't need to boast we will fight for months, because we already have.

    We don't win, nor do we lose. We fight.

    We hit whoever we want, big or small. Yes, ZAFT Carnage and ZAFT Faith gave us an extremely hard time. Not ZAFT Corp.

    Gone were the days where we were afraid of hiring allies of LB players who will proceed to hire back and farm. We enjoy the game as it is supposed to be.

    This is blatant lying because YAFI was never involved until our merge.
    Why do you need to lie again and again?

    This is purely your own conjecture, full of untruths and lies. Our beloved Lady was undergoing a divorce case (and its legal proceedings), and was trying hard to move on with her new life. You are really being very disrespectful to a woman with your lies.

    Sorry to Lady D for saying this out in public.

    All in all, your posts are half-truths with lies weaved nicely in. It's a very well done attempt to mislead everyone. You deserve an applause :)
  3. Big love and respect _AppleSeeDs_ and the rest of my family in judgment. I know you would never farm me. I also thank you all for being my friends. Your love and support this year have helped me through this difficult time. I would never be upset with you dispelling lies about me. And for those that know - I loved my trip to my new home where I got to meet so many of my KAW friends. I hope to get to meet many more of the people I have gotten to know here and on the phone in the future. Love you guys 
  4. "DR member was farmed for being rude to Judgment member."

    People tend to get rude when they're being stripped for rehiring their own ally. Most clans ask members for screen shots first before stripping. They do this because it's not uncommon for members to lie about things. Screen shots provide them with proof. Maybe you should start doing the same? The fact is you had no screen shots. And by your own admission, you never even asked to see any.

    "DR is a secret clan of ZAFT Destiny"

    DR had members of ZAFT in it at the time of the incident. DR was disbanded during the war. Many DR members joined ZAFT. ZAFT has many members and they visit many clans. Using your logic, half the clans on KaW are secret ZAFT clans.

    You babble a bit about Wilders, so let's address that. Veteran KaW players know that spies and spy clans always have mains. Strips were traced to Wilders. Alts were traced to Wilders. Lady D's alt account was found in Wilders. If Judgment wasn't a spy clan of Wilders, they were doing a very good impression of it. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

    "Most of ZAFT's strips on Judgment failed."

    So you say.

    "Our member was banned immediately after CF for some unknown reason, and ZAFT obviously did not know it at all. There are multiple SS to prove that ZAFT did not know the member was banned."

    It's not difficult to figure out that when an account that's been self pinning for weeks suddenly stops, somethings changed, especially considering Judgment had already had other members banned. And Judgment knows the reason why. If he hadn't been cheating he would have been stripped long before the CF. The rest of your clan was. Did you mention your members were cheating when the CF was agreed upon? No. Don't cry because your cheater got stripped. It's your members fault for being a cheater.

    " I don't see where we have boasted that we have 100 hansels."

    See page two of this thread:

    "IilIiIillRiiiliiiiIiiiiliiiPlliIiiiIIliI: CHeer!!!!!! More then 100 Spy Hansel Join together Cheer!!!!!!!!"

    As of a minute ago, he was your clan.

    "This is blatant lying because YAFI was never involved until our merge."

    YAFI members were in Judgment. They were farming DR. When ZAFT attacked Judgment, they pulled out and went home. ZAFT hit them in YAFI. A CF was agreed upon between YAFI and ZAFT.

    "You are basically humiliating LP022 and Suspect for honouring the CF so fervently and respectably."

    They wanted a CF. Most of ZAFT didn't. How is that humiliating?

    "You are really being very disrespectful to a woman with your lies."

    I don't respect her, so it's not relevant. The fact is she took a hard line and was all for the war when it was limited to Judgment and DR. When ZAFT entered, she disappeared. The war lasted for months after ZAFT entered it. If you want to accept that her personal issues required her constant attention for all that time, that's up to you. I don't. And neither did some of your members.

    Lastly, Judgment want to play the bully, Judgment paid the price. Judgment has stated several times that they do what they want, to who they want, when they want. That's your prerogative, but don't cry on the forums when you do it and someone hand's your ass to you.

    I'm done here.
  5. Dude rumorcontrol why're you so rude? Each kingdom have their own way and their own rules. If you don't like it then fight them in battlefield. Btw I'm not support neither side of war but I think if you are use alts to post and trash talk to other side that mean you're either fear them or already lost this war. Anyway good luck to both side.
  6. @Rumorcontrol: I was trying to avoid posting on this thread; however, I feel I must control rumors you ironically are now creating related to myself, Suspect and my Family.

    1. My clan was ZAFT FAITH not ZAFT Faith. If you are going to reference my clan, previous or current, please write it correctly.

    2. The “primary” reason Suspect and I are no longer ZAFT is FAR more complicated then to be chalked up to this war. You are not knowledgeable on this topic, so I request you refrain from referencing it, much less speculating on the impact or result it had on ZAFT or FAITH Families.

    By using the word “majority” though in estimating the number that stayed with ZAFT, I do not believe you looked at the number who left from BOTH FAITH and Destiny, so your estimation of "majority" is a bit overstated.

    If either FAITH or ZAFT families had wanted this discussed openly it would have been done so long ago. The separation of our two families was difficult enough for us at the time, but having it trivialized by someone hiding behind an alt is like adding insult to injury, even in a game.

    3. Also, I find it ironic you state “majority” in ZAFT wanted to continue to war, while Destiny continues to enjoy the protection that original CF affords them. **A note to Destiny members, I honestly am not meaning any offense by this statement, I know you guys would war at a moment’s notice. This statement is purely for argument sake**

    4. You state that myself and Suspect wanted a CF when most of ZAFT did not. Yes we did want a CF, as the two leaders commanding that war (Corp as a whole did not join until after 3 months of warring had been going on), we went to war for ONE reason. That ONE reason was to protect our member at DR, and to get all hits to stop on that member. Why would we not want to achieve our initial objective? Do not spin our acceptance or want of CF as anything other than what it was, an accomplishment of our original objective. The reason and objective for the current Judgment/ZAFT war has evolved into something completely separate from its original conflict.

    5. Also, you state “ZAFT had basically already destroyed judgment” and they “had no banks or allies”, yet you follow that up with many wanted to continue the war? Why would “many” attack builds want to continue to war a clan of hansels that were destroyed and allyless? This makes zero sense. Either Judgment was destroyed and allyless or they were still a viable threat with accounts with allies that would justify “many” ZAFT members wanting to continue war to finish them off. You cannot have it both ways.

    6. Lastly, your comment “Did you mention your members were cheating when the CF was agreed upon?” This is a completely irrelevant point. ZAFT did not need for Judgment to disclose this as a term of CF or any time there after, as several ZAFT members had reported Judgment members to the devs for investigation throughout the course of war. The original CF was agreed upon with full knowledge it was possible ToU had been broken throughout the course of war; however, as I stated previously, the objective of war was not to punish cheaters (that is the devs job) our objective for war was CF.

    Now to quell some of the additional “rumors” being thrown around on this thread:

    1. No the ZAFT FAITH ran by me did NOT disband, we had ZAFT tag removed from our clan name. That is the only change to my clan. Members, war history etc. all remain in tact from when we previously had ZAFT in our name. I just gave the ZAFT tag back to ZAFT lol

    2. If someone from ZAFT asked judgment for an alliance to war those who left and who “are to blame” (i.e. FAITH Family), then it was not done so by a leader with the authority to make that call. Communication between FAITH and ZAFT family remains open and friendly. I know ZAFT would not pursue such an endeavor and I know Judgment would not agree to it either.

    3. Each side of this war has their own version as to how it originally began and escalated and opinions on successfulness of its war tactics. This does not make either side right or wrong, and each is entitled to its own opinions; however, my guess is a complete version of what “really” happened will never exist, as there were too many people/alliances involved on both Judgment and ZAFT side from the beginning of war. Bottom line both sides have suffered large casualties as a result of this war and appears they continue to do so.

    Both ZAFT and Judgment fight tenaciously and with resolve. As someone who was once in the war, and has seen firsthand the warring prowess of both sides, my respect goes out to both ZAFT and Judgment and I wish them both the best.

    Also FAITH members please refrain from posting further on this thread.
  7. Lol who is the idiots and stupid enough start war with us because want to help one their guest got farm? When did AAH i start to know is being so nice and want to help their guest so bad like that? lol Omg!!!! why so blames excuse? I already talk to "Inter" about me and Red-star and also about -T- and i told him that -T- his main is in AAH right now ( i got SS to prove it) if you want SS alts -T- is in Armageddon and his main is at AAH. If make you feel better then pm me i will sent SS for you. But "Inter" told me that this war is not because red-star or -T- this war because him and our boss "Ext" (blames excuse also). No matter what you guy try to do ( tell us cheat, disrespect us, try to hard to get us get banned, tell us bully, and try strip us naked etc..) whatever you guy try to do to make us stop. But this war is no end war and no cf. We love OSW without War most of us already quit KAW long time ago lol.
  8. YA__JUDGMENT__FI make me remember about that movie "The 300 Spartans" Cheer!!!!
  9. @ LP022

    I'm aware there were other reasons involved in your decision to leave ZAFT but the fact remains that the decision to grant Judgment an unconditional CF was an unpopular decision among the members. As a result, members lost confidence in the leadership and when the decision was made to leave ZAFT the majority of the members chose not to go. They remained with ZAFT.

    You mention that the cheating was an irrelevant point. Not to the members. It was very much a point. The original objective may have been to arrange a CF for DR but after months of enduring taunts from a clan they suspected was cheating, it had gone beyond that for the members. You ask why continue to war a clan of stripped hansels? The answer is simple. To win. The members wanted victory. It may not have made sense to you, but you looked at it like an accountant. The members looked at it like warriors.

    It's been said that a major concern was that Judgment might not ever admit defeat and surrender. Maybe they would, maybe they wouldn't. What was certain was that Judgment was crushed and no longer a serious threat. Keeping them that way wouldn't have required much effort and it many would have been happy to do it. As I said, the members wanted victory. You gave them an empty CF that cost Judgment nothing. You may not share that opinion. But the results speak for themselves

    I'm done on this subject.
  10. "I'm done here" :lol: How many time you've saying this? Nobody here is believe what you saying because you've been lie so much. :lol:
  11. What is this nonsense? -.-
  12. Butthurt Much?
  13. Wtf happened wiff dis twead
  14. As I have already told you, the strip on our member was done before SS was even produced.

    Either you can't read, or you are merely insisting on lying your way through.

    DR is a secret clan of ZAFT as already admitted.

    And wow! You commited a big logical fallacy in "Using your logic, half the clans on KaW are secret ZAFT clans." There's absolutely no link at all. Even a 3 year old could see that.

    So how many alts have you found in judgment with mains in Wilders?
    Or is it merely just empty talk again with no proof?

    By a certain ZAFT member's admission, we even had alts with mains in ZAFT.

    As I have told you, most in judgment are mains.

    1 on me just failed, a small ally with no stat. I potted up, and took my time to reply this post.
    I mean, I even saw Teutates from ZAFT Faith stealing. It was good because I will be taking a KaW break in 2 weeks time.

    And most succeeded? So you say. But fact was you know nothing.

    First, the kingdom did not self pin for weeks. Many hits were still going through, and strips still succeeded a little. The kingdom was in fact pinned by assassinates for weeks by ZAFT, with some ZAFT spies managing it almost on a 24/7 basis, and some achieving it every few minutes for hours on end.

    Second, stopping the self pinning and check was due to CF agreement. Judgment members adhere to CF agreement immediately, and went to rest to prepare for the next war.

    Third, any further discussion on the reason is against TOU of this forum, which I have already warned barcode before.

    Oic. Celebration and cheering are equivalent to boasting. Understood your weird fuzzy logic.

    Strictly speaking, more than 100 spy hansels is not the same as 100 hansels.

    Anyway we don't have more than 100 hansels.

    If you want to consider that as having been involved and later pulled out, that's up to you.

    As far as judgment is concerned, YAFI has never been involved with us on ZAFT. YAFI has never done any major hit on any ZAFT clan except on _scraps_.

    Thanks for blurting this out.
    Now we know who you are or who you are related to. It solved many mysteries already.

    I can't stop you from being disrespectful. I mean, you can lie all you want through an alt.

    Another well done attempt to weave a lie into your mesh of half-truths. All our members accepted that she had a difficult time. Except ZAFT members.

    Looks like you are trying to revolve every event about your personal weird logic (inclusive of logical fallacies) and come to your own weird conclusions.

    Even our respected LP022, a KaW veteran and ex-ZAFT member, has spoken up against your half-truths.

    There, the true reason is out on the breaking of CF. It's clearer who you are or who you are related to already. And it is now so clear what you attempted to explain earlier on the CF breaking was a lie.

    Either way, certain ZAFT members were stripped more after the CF agreement was broken. As LP022 has aptly put it, "both sides have suffered large casualties as a result of this war and appears they continue to do so." Like you said, ZAFT members are prepared to be stripped and are always war ready. So are judgment members. [Although a certain ZAFT member complained about being stripped, and demanded to know why because he has not been hitting us while in Corp]

    This war has also showed some kingdoms behaving with great respect. Special mention goes to Bomanator, who offered to drop his allies and volley back the stripped gold to Froz in an attempt to stop the war. It was put on CA not to hit him at all.

    Lastly, we don't need to be a serious threat. We just need to keep ZAFT on their toes at all times, not daring to take a long KaW break for whatever reasons. It has been fun :lol: .

    I will go for a 2 weeks holiday soon without KaW. :)
    As an alt, you can too, even with all your lying!
  15. "Biggest osw of 2012" That all i can say.
  16. Even though ZAFT is our enemy in war, I will still say that only ZAFT is capable so far to handle such a massive OSW.

    In fact, they are definitely able to handle twice to thrice of us with their size and multiple clans. :lol:
  17. Well said. Many of us came back for this OSW specially. I believe most of ZAFT know this from the constant exchange in pm between our members and ZAFT members.

    No one here cares about allies because we were all quitters who sold our mains, but came back specially to war ZAFT. Of all the clans, only ZAFT will let us play OSW with them for months on end. We had lots of fun, and will continue to play with them for more months ahead :)

    It's a war game, and it is played as a war game between us.
  18. I guess rumor control is a YAFI fanboy because every time I get on he seems to be commenting on a YAFI thread.. I've been lurking for a while now and I haven't seen him on any other threads recently.. Too bad he's too much of a coward to show his main...  