Discussion in 'Wars' started by TheLastOneAlive, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. Nice I think I'll join this crappy clan that will fail in seconds and will never finish t1 series oh yah it's a great choice :mrgreen:

  2. 1SexyLady is a true warrior.
    She did asked and negotiated for CF but she continued to war hard. The only interesting thing is that she crystalled multiple times just to scout bombed hansels when the war had just started :lol:

    Many in ZAFT Carnage are very active warriors. In fact, we received much more hits from ZAFT Carnage and the previous ZAFT Faith than ZAFT Corp itself. Naturally, most of the initial hits went to Carnage and Faith. I see the growth of some we stripped, e.g. angryman. His rebound is fast, and although I'm sure he's pretty unhappy about the strip, he has never once complained to his enemies. Not at all! He is a true warrior. For a fact, I know angryman from a very long time ago, but he won't know me now.

    There are many good warriors in ZAFT Carnage and the previous ZAFT Faith who are battle-hardened and battle-ready, who are no-nonsense folks. It's a pity that you are fighting for a ZAFT Corp who are mostly inactive, and contains only a few very active warriors, among those C0LDEST with his multiple alts, Moldavite with his multiple alts, and Harbinger. It's pretty rare to see other ZAFT Corp members hitting anyone at all.

    Kudos to ZAFT Carnage and FAITH, and also ZAFT Destiny under Suspect. You gave us a hard time before the first CF.
  3. Pathetic and weak attempt to sow discord.
  4. You went to meat Kaw players in real life to discuss osw stuff . That's crazy
  5. What a quick knee-jerk reaction to post a reply! :lol:
    I speak the truth. You know it yourself. Everyone in our clan has been wondering about it for the past few months about how inactive most of ZAFT Corp are in this OSW. :lol:

    We have SS proof of someone in Corp complaining to us after being stripped. We have also SS proof of 1SexyLady saying she will war on. If you want it, we can post it.

    It is fact that Corp alone isn't able to handle us.
  6.  here god . Psst u can borrow these O-0 
  7. The irony here is palpable.
  8. :geek: :geek: :geek: :D :D :D thank u King, i need that :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. YA__JUDGMENT__FI 'We take responsibilities to farm!'

    An accurate description since both clans are, and always have been, farmers.

    Let's start with how the ZAFT/Judgment war actually began. A Judgment member hired an ally from a member in Draugen's Realm. When the DR member hired back, Judgment stripped farmed the DR member, claiming that the DR member rehired then "stole 2x." Screen shots were asked for. None were ever produced. Furthermore, a clan claiming to protect KaW from bullies justifying a strip over 2 steals is comical to say the least. Unknown to Judgment, several members of ZAFT were in DR during the incident. When Judgment began making their usual demands that several DR members reset as a condition for CF, ZAFT got involved.

    This follows the same pattern of a previous incident involving their "blood ally" YAFI, when a YAFI leader "mistakenly" hired a very overpriced ally from a member of a small clan, then proceeded to have the clan stripped farmed until the ally was hired back. As a condition for CF, several members of the smaller clan had to reset. YAFI/Judgment does not protect KaW from bullies. They are the bullies. The so called merger is nothing new. The clans have basically been interchangeable for a long time. The reason for the merger is that both clans have been decimated by war, so they "officially" merged to consolidate.

    YAFI/Judgment has history of deceit and exaggeration. Wilders_Chili was not an innocent clan. ZAFT is among the oldest clans on KaW and are very proficient at locating mains. Numerous mains were traced to Wilders, among them, Lady D's main. Numerous strips were also funded by Wilders. Wilders was well aware of Judgment's activities because Judgment was in fact, Wilders "secret" spy clan. ZAFT acted accordingly and destroyed Wilders. ZAFT then proceeded to decimate Judgment leaving them basically a collection of stripped hansels with no banks.

    Judgment claims Laoda broke the CF. What Judgment doesn't say is several of their members were banned around the same time several YAFI members were banned. No one likes cheaters, especially ZAFT. ZAFT stripped one of Judgment's banned accounts. Does stripping a banned account break a CF? Judgment says it does. ZAFT's position was cheaters aren't protected by CF's. They forfeited their right to honorable treatment when they cheated.

    Judgment claims trillions in strips, but those familiar with the war know Judgment tends to exaggerate a lot. Judgment claims they fight to the end, but that's not true either. Many of their members left during the war. It's one of the reasons they merged. Judgment claims that ZAFT "begged" for a CF. That's comical. ZAFT had already basically destroyed Judgment. They had no allies or banks. Many in ZAFT disagreed with the CF in the first place. They wanted to continue the war. That disagreement was the primary reason why the former leaders of ZAFT Faith and ZAFT Destiny are no longer with ZAFT while the majority of their former clan members are still with ZAFT. The two leaders wanted a CF. The majority of ZAFT didn't.

    Now after a long term of inactivity and reorganization here comes YA__JUDGMENT__FI for round two. Essentially the remnants of two clans merged. In the meantime ZAFT has expanded and is stronger than its ever been. YA__JUDGMENT__FI proudly boasts they have 100 hansels. They had about the same for round one and they got decimatd. YA__JUDGMENT__FI proudly boasts they will fight for months. Most of them didn't the last time. ZAFT has proven many times that they will fight until they win. And ZAFT has never lost an OSW.

  10. Who are you? RumorControl, I'm impressed by your knowledge and facts on our war. 
  11. Justifying a strip over 2 steals is comical? What game do you play rumorcontrol?
    What is farming? I dont see any rules on how the game is supposed to be played.
    Zaft are bullies, everyone thinks that if you're a zaft member dont mess with them, they are so scary  dont hire their allies theyre in an osw. Screw that, in this game, hit who u want when u want.
    We were far from decimated, just because someone has no allies doesnt mean we they dont have bank. Im sure u would know this. And why am i even explaining it. For the eb players reading this?
    Just before this merger both clans had pulled off big strips, pretty sure thats a sign of being as strong as ever
  12. @ RumorControl I shouldn't replys noobs that scare and also use alt to post and keep post fault story out so I got no respect to reply you back. And this is not the first time you doing this so we know already. But today is your lucky day :lol: . Our YAFI vs (AAH & Osiris ) war is starts right now because is all because Red-Star. Red-Star use his alt _Red and his barcode steal my main account about 7x to 10x and he say because i'm hired his allies (Fault Red-Star should know better by now). So this war is begin with Red-Star. Then later Red-Star ask AAH and Osiris ask for helps. Os-Nickz should know this at the beginning and the true about this story. If noobs out there don't know nothing about this war and use alt to post fault story "please use your fist to act rather then use your word to act". And also this is my last time to reply back noobs that use alt to post. :idea:
  13. Rip - my understanding is that AAH joined the war after Yafi stripped a guest/prospective member whilst in AAH that you had mistakenly took to be the alt of Armageddon member.

    Doesn't matter now as its a few months ago but thought it was worth correcting.

    This is my main n only account in the war or commenting on it in case anyone wonders.

  14. @ WlLDERS_CHlLI-_-SlFU

    I play Kaw. And everyone knows what farming is. It may not be an official rule, but most clans observe it. You're free not to if you choose, but don't claim ignorance of it's existence.

    The facts are Judgment hired the ally, Judgment claims their member was stolen from 2x after the rehire, and Judgment couldn't produce any evidence to prove it. Veterans on KaW have a saying. "if you don't have screen shots, it never happened." You proceeded to strip farm members of DR over an incident you created and based on a justification you couldn't prove. Then you demanded members of DR reset as a condition of a CF. All over 2 steals you couldn't prove ever happened. And you claim ZAFT are the bullies? That's comical.

    By your own admission, Judgment operates under the philosophy "in this game, hit who u want when u want." Of course, Judgment mainly hits smaller, weaker clans. Then they demand resets as a condition to for a CF all the while boasting about how "honorable" and powerful they are. That's comical too. Unfortunately for Judgment, this time they picked the wrong clan. ZAFT got involved And ZAFT beat the crap out of you.

    You were far from decimated? More comedy. Your "blood ally" YAFI pulled out early and left you on your own. Those of you that didn't run were stripped and potless. Your main clan was destroyed, your banks were found and stripped. Judgment was so demoralized your own members even talked of farming Lady D, who pushed for the war then went inactive after her main was stripped, leaving the rest of her clan to face ZAFT without her. At the time of the CF in March, Judgment was a shell that ZAFT used for target practice. You pulled off big strips just before the merger so everyone is supposed to be impressed? Bravo. It only took you 5 months to build your banks back up. If you're going to war against ZAFT again, you'd better hide them better than you did your old ones.
  15. Enough of all these crap talk, we will do what we want, strip who we want, farm who we want. Just don't sleep. Or you will be next..!!!!
  16.  busy thread! Just a game, you do what you think is right, same goes for YA__JUDGMENT__FI clan. 
  17. Support yafi
  18. All along my mindset in osw...either u win or loss. But some people can create so much results. honor, dishonor, cheating, bully.etc. lmao can't afford to lose den do not claim u r warrior.
  19. @Rumorcontrol
    You should better put your skill and energy to write a novel instead of spamming forums with your childish, partial and subjective comments. Do not waste your talent here and spare us from having an headache. Thank you in advance