Discussion in 'Wars' started by TheLastOneAlive, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. LOLWUT!
    Judgement and Wilders_Chili were both once lb clans. And u r boasting about some of our members dropping lb ranks?
    When the first war started I was in judgment Appleseeds! Even I didn’t know that Draguens had ZAFT members in it. But I do know that it wasn’t started because of them farming Judgement members. Judgement was the ‘spy’ clan of Wilders. It was created to start trouble in kaw and to farm. I know this cos I was asked to join when I told one ur members that I was getting bored with KAW and the constant ebs.
    The CF was broken because the devs banned Micron, Sagi and Drac and therefore confirmed our suspicions that they were botting. Heck, of course we were gonna strip them. THEY WERE CHEATING!
  2. Wait, you broke a cf because you had a chance to strip people who couldn't hit back?  no wonder you guys are supposed to stay off forums 
  3. We broke a cf beacuse they were cheaters! Dumbass
  4. What a good excuse to cover zaft for breaking the cf term . Dumb ass u know what is a cf . 
  5. Can't wait till this war is over so I can join YA__JUDGEMENT__FI
  6. Lol sexy

    Cos breaking a cf is so dishonurable compared to cheating

  7. Obviously mr barcode can't read well, nor does mr barcode dare to post with his main.
    (Another ZAFT Coward to post with alt???)

    As I have already pointed out to you, most people in Wilders_Chili were guests. Do you not know that clans with guests specially for EBs can be on LB too? All you need is keep advertising for HLBC players to fill up 100 slots, and complete EBs fast to attract them, and you get an LB clan. Duh.

    Judgment was only temporarily on LB. The strongest player with 14T in allies was sold to an LB player and that's it. Along the way, some left due to marriage commitments, some due to PhD studies, others like you left due to conflicting interests.

    Also, to further portray your poor reading comprehension skills, there was no boasting on your members dropping LB ranks. We merely "noticed" some members who dropped in ally LB rank due to keeping gold for T5 or having been inactive for a while. Steals are then directed to help make these kingdoms more active. :mrgreen:

    "Even I didn’t know that Draguens had ZAFT members in it"
    I have no idea ZAFT was so disorganised.

    Also, judgment is not the spy clan of Wilders. Obviously you are lying, or you have been lied to, because I was one of those who started off with judgment, and I know it isn't true. Judgment is formed from kingdoms of different clans (Wilders included) who are getting bored with EBs and wanted to war. Yes it is formed for OSWs, and we war for any reason no matter big or small, especially to protect ourselves and our friends.

    Lastly, I have already warned you that
    Why isn't a moderator silencing this guy who is obviously breaking the rules of conduct of the forum, even after being advised? He is obviously trying to get the thread locked.
  8. LMAO guests that decided to change name with wilders logo. Thats hilarious .
  9. I don't think you have found more than 20 active people with the Wilders tag. Some were alts with Wilders tag. As I have already said, most sold their accounts and retired.

    And as I have said, most were guests. Some guests wanted to stay to fight because they were friends, but they were then kicked away to protect them.
  10. Mr barcode’s alt is well know in ur clan. I never hid my main nor kept it a secret that my main was in ZAFT.
    Both clans were on the lb far into this war.
    U list the names that u stripped along with their lb status on a public forum. If that isn’t boasting what is it?
    ZAFTs reach is far and wide. It does mean that each foot soldier (as I am) doesn’t know every detail about every account in ZAFT. I think Boring’s banner says it best- ‘We don’t die, we mulitply’.
    I don’t think it is much of a secret in the Kawmunity that judgement is the spy clan of Wilders. Yes, there may be members from other clans but the majority was made up of ex-Wilders or Wilders alts. Again, I was there lol. Im just calling it as it was! For proof, just go to Wilders original clan eb/war history and follow links.
    As far as me talking about the banned accounts, I am not complaining about them nor am I demanding a reason for the user’s ban. I just stated that they were banned for cheating (fact).
  11. Anyway, like I said, I was in ur clan for quite a while. U guys treated me with respect and I always had fun. I have alot of respect for DG and Frozty. Therefore, on reflection, it isnt appropriate for me to continue to post. I just wanted to clarify those points.

    See u on the battlefield.
  12. There you go twisting and lying your way through again. Where did I post the LB status of the people we stripped?

    Furthermore, the names are already on jet_lee's wall. It's already public info, nothing to boast about.

    In addition, aren't you the one who is boasting that the strips of 50T we have done on you are a mere drop in the ocean? I have already admitted it's a drop in the ocean to satisfy your ego.

    And not, Judgment is not a spy clan of Wilders. Judgment is very related to Wilders yes, and if you were really there, you would have seen the laments that most of the remaining kingdoms in Wilders were focused on EBs only. And if you were really into the CC, you would have known that most in Wilders (at least the top 10 in the past) have sold their accounts or gold. You would also have known that most that had decided to break off to judgment were main accounts, and most alts' mains were also also in judgment.

    Lastly, to point out again your failed reading comprehension skills:

    The fact that you gave your personal opinion, and continue to harp on it, is an act of discussion. Obviously you are still breaking the rules of the forum.
  13. It's only a game, be it on forum or in kaw. Every human deserves to be respected in some way or the other.

    I just want to clarify where you have been misguided.
  14. Yes. You talk alot barcode. Just trying to announce this merger, judgment and YAFI are not dead. Never have been and never will be.
    It doesnt mean much, we're still at war with whoever we are warring. Just now you may sit on ur throne, do your business and come back naked if you're not careful 
  15. Bar Code all I knw u are just a 25 仔! A failure 25仔 who gather and report all false information ! U knw nothing abt us lol !
  16. Wtf corp asked judgment to ally up to fight those that left zaft!?
  17. Where is kingalexander my favorite dish? Reset or change name? 
  18. Lol - hmmm I was one of the first hit in war even though I was trying to negotiate cf - told to leave and desert friends but true warriors don't. I actually met people in real life who were friends with 1SexyLady in real life - you know that thing beyond KAW - it was her alt that was in that clan that started this. And yes you can have one account per idevice so you can have alts. And yeah she was granted cf and woke up and did multiple unloads because she crystaled before she read her pms, news or clan chat. And oh yeah - let's not forget the former FOTR members that were told it's ok to hit me and my friends because their hits would be covered by zaft. And to say they were zaft then - well clan tags said different. Considering I discussed in real life with the real people and got to see both sides lets end the lies. It started over a small thing as most wars do. But zaft begged cf and when granted waited then stripped again as soon as we took gold out of pots and rehired allies. That is why we war now!!! Long live YA__Judgment__FI
  19. Lady--d, get your facts and info correct. I was never in that clan and have no clue what you're talking about. You don't know any of my real life friends either, because none play KaW. Everyone knows my Alts because I don't hide them. If you knew my Alts you know they were never in realms. All I can say is LIES. Now stop talking and bring it 