Discussion in 'Wars' started by TheLastOneAlive, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. YAFI Support!

  2. YAFI never learns.
  3. Haha someone had to create a stat-less alt to talk **** to YAFI.

    Careful, Cambji will track you down and vaporize your family.

  4. Hmm like YAFI so much?
    Then interview them on your filthy, unclean, "Willy's Couch
  5. I'm telling you guy these (YAFI) is a dangerous Kaw Player. If you're think strip them naked that make them CF and stop but you're so wrong the more you strip them the more they're fight you back hard. I'm have been war with them before so i know. Because of them that why i switch to my build to hansel. They're experience warriors so watch out if you're fight with them lol.

  6. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. Well, if you'd bother to post with your main, you would find out why I say what I say.

    Unlike many clans in KAW, YAFI will fight for months.

    I always give props to those I respect.

    RESPECT - (n) - sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability.

    (in case you needed to know)
  8. Hi kaw people
  9. Props out to judgement and yafi for merging. Loads of respect for these guys. Good luck.
  10. Dear All,

    ___Judgment___ have been warring Zaft for 10 months, war is still going on. We are judges we dont like post forum as zaft does.

    To clarify some doubs about us was destroyed by zaft :shock: :shock: i have some info for u guys who always think Zaft are biggest clan and honor clan...in kaw

    We have all the SS that TOP zaft admins begging for CF, crying for being stripped, and why Ex- Zaft faith, Zaft destiny left Zaft even Zaft faith disband, and Zaft corp asked us to alliance with them and war those left them because zaft corp blamed them for starting the war blahblah... :lol: :lol:

    And we have been stripping Zaft War admin, top Zaft admin, Seniors... IF u guy notice their ranking, some even left the clan and nv come back. Here are some firgues:

    Moldavite: Zaft corp war admin - Naked after 2 strips left 400b allies (Lost about 8T)
    Lexicilious: Senior and head Zaft corp admin : 4T Naked left 0 coin :)
    Jimlooi (ithaca's alt) Naked lost about 19T and dtw for steal now :mrgreen:
    and many others like Angryman, shadowking....too many to list since we war them 10 months

    But the lastest strip few days ago before merging: Erus 11T lost 10.5T

    Dear harbringer, We were judges and now we merge with Yafi who had been our only blood brother and only. U blame Jet_lee for dragging yafi war Zaft..blahblah...but u guys dragged all zaft academy, zaft destiny, carnage, faith... to join whacking us even asked ppls outside join and help u guys while u guys hidding main doing EBs outside and use all alts to war or making even use other zaft clans to war u guy especially Laoda seldom hit us, all play death or pinning to EB, save their golds let others die for them u guy can check with zaft carnange leader 1sexylady (our most respect to her - she is true warrior but it's sad that she was blindly war sometime)

    My personal resepect to 2 lady leaders are LP022 and 1sexylady in this kaw

    We actually had CF with all Zaft 4 months ago but Laoda who broke CF and strip our members right after CF 24hrs and proud of his works and said it was a misfired lol

    Since then we only war Zaft corp and Zaft carnange (who blindly help zaft corp in those strip). This war will be long...and might be no end :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    For now, Zaft Corp most are alts only less than 30 are mains rest hidding outisde or join other zafts that got CF with us.

    For those alts in Zaft corp we know your mains, we are finding your mains too.. stripclub is dom's alt lolx, katianaaaaa...lol and..shhhh we will keep it as secrets we will come to u as time come :))

    Good luck and no offence PLS :)


    A member who retired and come back for war ;)
  11. Zombie you have no dignity or the dignity of a chimpanzee. After ZAFT Destiny destroyed Wilders Chilli which had many Judgment atack builds we destroyed you Zombie and you sold your original account. After that you ***** we destroyed Judgmnent also. LOL Yo Smokey (Saner) pls tell this noob shut up.
  12. Ya__Judgement__Fi 100% whoopass
  13. So who is yafi warring?
  14. I bet not many knew that most of Wilders_Chili top guns had retired and sold their main accounts to the LB players :lol: Only less than 15 of the original people were still active. Of the original founders, none were left. Only one of the original founders came back to war ZAFT specially.

    The people that ZAFT hit were mainly guests who came in to chat and do EB :lol:
    Guests who were unrelated and had no issues with ZAFT. It appears that ZAFT is feeling very proud that they farmed off a clan of guests :D

    After ZAFT pulled many unrelated people in, Harbinger actually had the cheek to proclaim
    "where is the honour in forcing us to fight a clan we have no issue with? you pick and choose, sad" on his wall!

    ZAFT can farm unrelated clans (i.e. hits rained on Hero Reborn, an unrelated clan, for allowing roaming judgment members to do EB), yet cry foul when the blood alliance merged to form a clan :lol: This must be a very honourable act to them I presume :mrgreen:
  15. Delusional...
  16. Yafi an judgment can't be stopped

    They have rocket man, who can't be stripped, you hire his allies, I only thing you can do it attack and he'll of woken up and you've gave him more strip funds.
  17. Lol where to begin? For those judgement that don’t recognise me, this alt was parked in ur clan for a few months. DG was a good friend and I enjoyed my stay in ur clan. I was there from the beginning, when the clan was formed. So when Judge went to war with ZAFT, I found it difficult to join the war, but ultimately ZAFT was my home clan and I chose to fight for them.
    However, as I was there from the beginning, I know the history of the clan and why it was formed. Therefore, I have to laugh at you calling us bullies. This war started cos Judge were ‘bullying’ a small clan, which, unbeknown to them, had some ZAFT members in it. Therefore it is hypocritical of u to call us bullies.
    As far as us stripping ur members after cf, the members stripped were all botting. Micronboise, Sagi and Dracrot were all banned because they were caught by the devs. Nothing pisses me off more than cheaters and I am glad to see them allyless and banned. Note, that no other judges were stripped at that time.
    On to stripping our members- we are a WAR CLAN. All our members know the risks of being ZAFT. We are all prepared to be stripped and we know there are always casualties in war. However, the strips u did are a drop in the ocean compared to the strips we have done on u. Make no mistake, all our members are war ready and trained!
    I don’t mind the trash talk, but please don’t continue to lie in ur public forum posts.
    PS. Huay, please don’t farm me for posting in forums 
  18. The strip on ZAFT was a drop in the Ocean, no doubt.

    Recent strips after ZAFT broke CF (within 24 hours)
    angryman - 5T
    Moldavite -- 8T
    Erus -- 11T + lots of gold out (we monitor your ally LB)
    Lexilicious -- 3T
    Kangxi -- 3T (we know you are an alt)
    Ithaca's bank -- 19T

    And I don't know how much some of you have lost when you went inactive for a while and dropped in ally LB ranking. You know who you are, and you know how much you have lost.
    (Total: definitely > 50T off ZAFT, although we know it's a small drop)

    Why don't you list the amount you strip after breaking CF? :)

    The first war was due to someone in that clan (Draguen's Realm) farming our member. We protect all our members fiercely just like ZAFT does for their members. We do not care if that clan is bigger or smaller. Furthermore, it is later told to us the clan is part of ZAFT (some dark secret?), so it is wrong to say we bully a small clan, unless you tell us ZAFT is small.

    As far as I am concerned, the reason for the war now is already different from the first one, which is for the reason that ZAFT broke CF (very honourably of course) within 24 hours.

    Nor are you members well trained in osw. What's the point of pinning members when they are inactive while working or sleeping, but always full troops and spies when active? We know a lot of your mains are hiding in another ZAFT clan doing EBs to grow for T5 but using your pathetic alts in ZAFT Corp to war us. War ready? Highly doubt so. Growth and gold is more important than war for your mains at the moment.

    And in the case of our temporarily banned members, I shall reserve further comments and not fall into your evil trap of attempting to get this thread locked. Obviously you have an ulterior motive to post that.