Why is it that RPL members can't fight their own battles i was returning inc from.one last night n he said"I'll get all of RPL to farm you" and im like "pshhh can't fight your own battles TIME?" What noobs
They're the type of clan that goes to "merc help a eb a clan" to slap around a sanctioned clan…with a no hit agreement! i totally respect RLP :Roll:
You're so so awesome dude; my names changed more then 10 times since, but its all good. Funny, I stayed the entire time and never saw you around.
Anywho… Superman65, I just have to say I have enjoyed our time together the last few days, you've been a real ray of sunshine to say the least. Sadly I regret to inform you, that you're way to awesome for this noob to handle. I plead that you, grant me a CF and forgive me that you lost out on your FOD bonus, forgive my silly ways.
You lying sack of crap…u fled to SICnISS during the OSW and i hated you being there! u flirted with my e boyfriend and i still hate you
You have the wrong Bella. [My name wasnt anywhere close to this one at that time]Trust that I can get action in RL not interested in your imaginary cyber world man dude. Get real.