xtal tied to the casting of WoC

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Brandi_is_Dandi, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. Support. I like your idea Brandi and I'm not ashamed to say so. If you war you should at least be "prepared" to xtal so using that to purchase WOC isn't a bad thing. However, I've been in wars where xtalling wouldn't be a good thing. Although I was prepared to xtal so losing that xtal and still winning wouldn't bother me! War costs in many ways. Don't fool yourself that it's any other way. If you enjoy war and take it seriously, you shouldn't have any problem with the ops proposition. Might do away with the inactives too 
  2. Support️
  3. Support. And I think it's hilarious that all the people saying 'crystals shouldn't be mandatory' have little to no EE equip
  4. Once again, you know this risk when you sign up for it. Stop complaining about it's you knew, you still did, you can't complain bc it's your fault.
  5. Plus, this is still a war game. Why should we pay to war? That's just dumb, get real.
  6. I also support this but who cares what a toe says? To address the pay to play argument - no ones is forcing you to war. It's optional like buying a pro pack. Good point to keep in mind nonetheless.
  7. No now is forcing you to war? That's true. But, your basically saying that people should just sit back and eb. That gets boring after a while. Which Is why I'm now warring. :roll: you can't force people not to war. I'm sorry, but this is the dumbest idea I've ever heard.
  8. I'm sure you can think of a dumber one. C'mon try real hard. Cause this isn't a dumb idea lol
  9. So, I have a friend who can't afford to pay for xstals. But she wants to war. So, your saying she should just give up and keep doing ebs?
  10. Not even war at all? Just leave it alone? And not do what the game is named after? And made for?
  11. Can she afford pro packs? Are you the pissed she can't be a cool pro pack kid?
  12. What about seals. You that pissed about buying seals? How about xstals to become big and strong and hit hte so she can hit lb status in 2-3 years?
  13. She can't afford anything on this game, mainly because she doesn't spend $ on he game bc she doesn't have any to just waste like this. So, she's not a pro pack or anything. Your argument is invalid. Devs probably didn't intend for a pay to war. They probably intended on pay to eb. This is a war game after all. They're intention was to have players war. So, this is keeping them fri, doing what he game was meant for. Are you understanding this? Or am I wasting my time trying to explain logic to you?
  14. I'm not even pissed. I'm just saying she doesn't have money to buy on this game, but that shouldn't keep her from warring.
  15. Of course the business of ata intends you to play for war. That's how ppl get all these shiny equips. We buy xstals. We buy lots of xstals. If she can't afford that's ok but maybe this game isn't the right one. I hear minesweeper is pretty free. But you do have to own a computer. So I guess minesweeper is pay to play too
  16. Indi wars were meant for all. Not just those with xstals. Say what you want, but this is a dumb idea
  17. U cant force players to use xtals in indi wars, ee rules say u CAN use an xtal, not that u HAVE to, if u are so annoyed just war with ur clan, indi wars will always be like a flip of coin.
  18. I will say what I want and it isn't a dumb idea. It's a very good idea. Indy wars are a work in progress. Ata will make money off of them when they determine the best way. Hell I wish they would give a damn xstal away to encourage wars. I hate paying. Trust me. But that isn't what businesses do. We want these Indy wars to be fun. When a war commander steps up and asks you to xstal so you have a better change of winning then it would be nice if the warriors had that weapon in their little weapon pouch. I'd even be happy if you weren't allowed to use any xstals. Would that make you happy?