Xtal for Mith during EE Wars; Rise From The Ashes

Discussion in 'Wars' started by I_I_I-DarkAce07-I_I_I, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Good idea. I think it could work.
    Rather elegant solution actually.
  2. Thank you for thinking of another viable solution to the xstal issue. I started the "xstal for game gold thread" (may the records show that I buy xstals for real $$ like candy...and will continue to do so - only looking out for those who can't) (viewtopic.php?f=11&t=129151)

    I do think this idea has one flaw however: 20 mith for 1 "cool name regen" (forgot the name...lol - but it is cool) means that the user has to have the 20 mith beforehand - as we all know you cannot purchase 20 mith. This creates a dilemma - because the people in question cannot war and win w/o "mith" for the xstals...and can't use the xstals they don't have yet. It still locks people out of the system and only makes the cool sounding regens available to those that likely can already purchase xstals for real $$ - thus, truly robbing the devs of hard earned $$.

    Like the idea - but there would have to be some way to allow people who don't have the 20 mith to get it for the xstals. Support if issue can be resolved. Thanks for another constructive idea ;)
  3. Just to clarify.. How does the spell actually work? When you get ko'd do you instantly get regened? How does it work op?

    Support after valid explanation :)
  4. good idea - mith xtals
  5. It's confusing to me. I don't understand your idea
  6. This is one of the most plausible suggestions I've seen on this subject.

    If you can't purchase 20 mith, earn it. That's only a war or two of high activity. Plus, if you win, it's refunded and recycled. I like.
  7. Its used the same way as a normal health crystal, activiate it when you need it :)
  8. ???
  9. To much mith

    Support IF you bring down price
  10. Ok delphin likes it send an email to the devs support@athinkingape.com including
    You play kaw
    Your kaw username
    A detailed paragraph about the idea and its strong points along with a list of all the name that support it :D
  11. thanks for the support...but i need more support than this to make this work...
  12. ⭐⭐Support from a vet from 2009⭐⭐

    I like this idea...

    Should make price 5 mith more or lower depending on stats though.


    (Yes you wont remember me, only some LB people know me so dont bother.)
  13. The second post on this thread, answers my reasoning behind making the mith xtal 20 mith :)
    Would appreciate if that comment was read before you post 'this is too expesive'
    ty :)