x2 Battle Royal ty devs

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Edge_of-Revolution_, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. It's easy to see its not photoshopped. Just click on op, then his clan, then the clan's history. It's right there plain as day.
  2. Yeah it's not photoshopped
  3. Lol it was great we were doing 15min BR, 70Bill clan plunder. We was raking in the dough.
  4. yeah awesome 
  5. I make 47million first hit. Compared to the standard 30million on the highest tiers...
  6. Devs will have entire kaw buying xstals for 2x ..biggest payday for them lol..all EB but haunts will be shutdown for entire day..my guess is they do 2x haunt/fod last day
  7. If they do ill max XSTAL
  8. If they did 2x haunts, I would literally bankrupt myself on xtals.
  9. Unfortunately dom the 24 xtals per day rule would still apply... That's still 19.99 from alot of people with a couple xtals left for bl 