
Discussion in 'Wars' started by Jennifer, Feb 5, 2013.

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  1. 3 days, apology thread from Jenni
  2. me too :) hey babe follow
  3. Hey babe, fine ._.
  4. Don't you have a war to get back to?
  5. And shouldn't you stay on topic?
  6. Me n jenni wuz Lyke peez n cayrots. Ahm not ah smart man Jenni but ah know what fayul iz.
  7. The topic is about nightcrawler and Jenni. Not Jenni and PvPing everyone that posts here.
  8. Well no need to post your 2 cents in about everything

    Jenni asks everyone for a 1v1 and almost every time she's the one making a apology thread.Then repeat
  9. Deni you don't even know what war is lovey
  10. maybe they are purposely going off topic in hopes they will lock such a pointless thread
  11. I don't comment my 2 cents on everything.
    Although, that IS what forums are for, (letting my opinion be known), I have plenty of things in AT without a star ;)

    As far as this is concerned, you two are the ones going off topic, and trying to troll me with it.
    So unless you have something productive to contribute, bye. If you have something hateful to say about me or OP, make your own thread, as stated in the ToU.
  12. Densi since your not Op of thread, you have no place to tell people to leave.
  13. I'm not saying to leave, I'm saying the ToU clearly states NOT to bash players on threads, and that they need to make their own thread for that purpose.
  14. I don't really care for what you have to say deni, but I think yr a war noob, seen as you were in LR item hunting whilst your former clan, Osiris, was in war with YAFI
  15. I didn't go to LR for item hunting. I was invited to come over, and was only there for maybe I day.

    [AFTER I GOT MY CF ;) ]
  16. Lol welll OP- 9/11/11 stl:np
    Only 11 cause I don't feel like buying more pots atm
  17. After you got yr cf. exactly, war noob. I only saw you hitting eb that was running in LR lol
  18. So, because I got my cf about a month before they requested one, IM the noob ._.
    Disregard ALL OTHER ASPECTS, imma noob.
    It's ok. I'll "learn" more. No worries ;)

    Now stop worrying about me and my war history.

    Is Jenni in this 1v1? I haven't seen crawler accept or reject.
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