WYO: Are GMO's Good?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -MF-, Feb 24, 2016.

  1. That's pretty interesting? Could you post your sources by chance?
  2. I don't believe they're safe to produce, they may be resistant to some diseases but they are all genetically identical and so one disease or virus or whatever can wipe out a whole load of genetically modified stuff.

    Do I believe they're safe to eat? Yes. Mind over matter.
  3. Thing is, normal crops have the same issue. Very small gene pool due to selective breeding means that one disease can do a lot of damage. GMO's minimise this by being resistant to said diseases.
  4. People give Monsanto way too much credit with your conspiracy theories. If there is something harmful in what you consume I'm sure a lab somewhere would have found it. Unless the Monsanto death squad have silenced them. Eat it or don't. While you are at it don't breathe the air or drink the water lots of carcinogens in them too.
  5. If you look towards the bottom of my thread, apparently companies like Monsanto attack scientist that find anything wrong with their stuff.
  6. You need to take everything you read with a grain of salt. Everyone. Non gmo and pro gmo slant their arguments to benefit themselves. If you can find an actual non biased publication, which I don't think actually exists, then I would love you to share the link.
    But the publication with the cover ups and firings sounds like the national enquirer to me.
  7. I am an actual farmer who grows these crops btw.
  8. Awesome!

    So what's your opinion on the GMO's?
  9. My opinion is: without them we would be starving as a species. Big companies like Monsanto, Bayer and Dow each spend billions a year on research. A crop isn't released to the public without massive trials and testing.
    The world only has so much land that is productive. If we can't Max the potential of what we have we will starve as a species. Without say salt tolerant crops we can eliminate that area of production completely.
  10. I've seen organic farming around here and it's safe to say they produce up to 25%(being conservative) less then conventional farming. So now you need to clear 25% more land to cover that loss. Should we hack down a forest? Clear more habitat for animals? That's not including the land we lost because we can't use salt tolerant crops.(in theory)
  11. Are they safe? Until it is proven beyond a doubt I would say so. There have been cases where insecticides and pesticides have been pulled because of residuals to the consumer and negative effects on wildlife so I know people are testing these products. If you kill your customers it's pretty bad for business.
  12. What's your opinion of Monsanto and other big companies attacking small farmers?
  13. We are considered a small farm here. 4000 acres. As far as them attacking us, I'm not sure what you mean? They have been quite good to us. We have been to a lot of seminars where they explain where they are headed and what products they have that will fit into our rotations.
  14. Gmo's are good for sustaining our large population. Side effects may include all of the above in OP.

    Having no GMO's would result in increased starvation and price rise in foods, but would result in a smaller and healthier population.

    Take your pick
  15. move ISIS are on there way
  16. Wait, starvation and healthier? Seems legit.
  17. Thanks, very interesting read.
    Good to hear the opinion of someone who genuinely knows what's going on and is directly affected by such debates.
  18. Yes! Thank you very much :)
  19. I don't know if I'm right or wrong. But I have no restless nights knowing that my food is gmo. We aren't going to live forever.