The whole 'playing god' argument is a classic case of religion holding back science. I don't want to be that guy to bring religion into the argument, but it's unavoidable. The only disadvantages that should be considered are in regards to health, not morals.
Not sure if this was an actual question, but organic just refers to the abstaining from using herbicides and pesticides or artificial fertilizers. The reason it's so expensive is because smaller yields, and more crop loss. It's a niche market for agriculture, not a bad thing, but certainly not how we are going to feed the world Edit: which leads into my opinion on GMO's, there's not enough evidence to condemn them, and they are much needed
At the part where the source claimed chronic disease jumped from 9% to 13% couldn't this also be due to better medical science and all that? Just pointing out there are many others events happening at this time that GMOs may be blamed for. I guess the only way to really know is to check back in 30 years from now and see.
GMO's themselves are good. Overall they help many people in developing countries to mass produce food they wouldn't otherwise be able to because of a drought, disease, etc... Also helps with vitamin deficiency in these countries as well Ie golden rice which helps children in these places not go blind. So points for GMO's here. The main problem that some people have with GMO is "playing like a god" aspect of it as well as people pumping tons of chemicals to kill any bacteria in their crops. These chemicals can make it into our systems after we eat it which some people have a problem with of course. It is also important to to confusion correlation with Causation as an increase of disease because of GMO's may be caused by other pollutants in our environment. It's just important to educate yourself first and make an informed decision about what you eat.
Problem is with this idea bacteria and viruses are master mutaters and by the time we can biologically change what harms crops it by then will mutate and become even more dangerous plus unless we can get every bacteria of that species it will fail as even if the crops infected with it die the bacteria will still live in the soil which is a problem unfortunately.
Well thought out. However, I would encourage you to use peer-reviewed studies to support both sides of the argument. As for my opinion, allow the market to decide. That's the beauty of living in America. If you don't support the idea, spend your money accordingly. Do I have a right to know what's in the food I consume? You bet I do, especially if it's my dollar they are after. As for the obesity issue in America. Sedentary lifestyles and poor nutritional eating habits are the causes of obesity, regardless of where you live.
Can't be bothered to read the whole thread but read the most of first post...and if nobody has said it yet...well done for all the effort On a random side note my phone keyboard works better with new forums dunno why lol
Exactly, one of the sources that was against GMOs actually said that there isn't conclusive evidence to condemn them. Correlation does not equal cause and all that good stuff.
Yeah soz. I guess what I'm getting at is that most of the pros/cons of this argument are factual. The only potential con that depends on your opinion is the 'playing god argument, and that's just the way I see it.
There isn't a food in the west that isn't a GM crop. Even your organic stuff will have been genetically modified at some point. I cannot agree with genetic modification ever causing health problems unless people are literally thick as heck and accidentally mix something in that actually is dangerous. Genetic modification is basically the same as selective breeding, just a little harder to do and way easier to get the traits that you want because you don't have to think about recessive or dominant genes. As you can imagine I'm also a strong supporter of genetic modification of foetus' to remove herriditory diseases such as type 1 diabetes, that disease I cant remember the name of that causes severe build up of mucus in the lungs and eventually kills you and a long list of other syndromes and horribly disabling diseases. I don't agree with genetically modifying foetus' to create a "super baby" or whatever. I agree with ensuring that nobody has to suffer disease or syndromes when they could live a fuller life without these problems. Basically, my TLDR 1) GM crops don't do anything wrong 2) every food in the west has been genetically modified at some point even organics. 3) genetically modify foetus' to remove syndromes and herriditory diseases should be permitted. 4)genetically modifying foetus' to have specific features such as eye colour should never be allowed.