WWIII: Canada vs. Denmark?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nathan_WINNING, May 12, 2013.

  1. Also, how did the UK "save the world at least 7 times"? The only time where the continuation of the world was at stake has been in the past 78 years or so, since the development of the A-bomb.
  2. @Evil, liberty of the world, freedom, whatever you want to call it.
  3. I suppose the Napoleonic conquest is debatable, as I'm sure it wouldn't have been bad at all, but still...
  4. Aliens, dinosaurs... Etc you name it we Brits killed it. 
  5. What the... Is this true? Either its fake or ive been under a rock recently.
  6. Napoleon was actually better than most countries at the time. He seemed to be a just ruler. He probably would've abolished slavery in the UK/Britain (when were Scotland and Britain united?) if he hadn't gone off to capture Moscow and somehow captured the British isle instead.
  7. Poseidon, how do you not know about this? Lol. It's been all over Canadian news for weeks!
  8. @Evil, it was already well on it's way to being abolished throughout the empire, and the Act of Union was in 1707.
  9. The UK/the UN/other countries have also arguably been the end of liberty in the world. For example in WWI, the treaty of Versailles had some pretty harsh terms, and the Soviet Union, who under Stalin's rule killed 20 million of its own citizens.

    Even in Canada, the French culture was continuously assimilated into English culture by the Canadian government. In North America, Spain ended liberty for the natives. The Americans led a genocide on the natives, and the Canadians led a cultural genocide.

    In WWII, Japanese descendants were sent to internment Camps in North America and forced to work, even though they were born in North America and had nothing to do with Japan.
  10. I wouldn't place the actions of any country, other than Britain and possibly the US, on par with a state like the Sun King's France or Nazi Germany, though. :|
  11. In British North America, during a native rebellion soon after Britain took over New France, British commanders would send blankets covered in smallpox as gifts to the natives, which they had no natural immunity to, unlike the Europeans.

    It is not on par with Nazi Germany, but is here anything on par with it? The difference is that the Germans were in desperation. Their economy wasn't doing so great after WWI, and the depression didn't help much.

    Unfortunately, Hitler had a solution. The final solution.
  12. @Evil, the Final Solution was started almost a decade after German economic recovery. If Hitler didn't do it, it's highly probable a more competent leader would have done, anyway.
  13. World War 3 :
    The People vs. Government

    New world order my friend ;)
  14. ^ Already happened. Many, many times.
  15. What's the point of democracy if the people are going to rebel against the government?

    Why can't they just peacefully make a political party to stand for them? Besides, how would one rebellion cause all other countries to decide to declare war against their own government? Was the Russian Rebellion of 1917 a World War?

    Bad example... But you get the point, I hope.
  16. Like, if most of the country's citizens call for a new election, and they make their own party and everyone votes for that party, that means that a new government will be made. Tada, the government has been successfully been overthrown. Now the people can do whatever they want in government though referendums and whatnot.