WWIII: Canada vs. Denmark?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nathan_WINNING, May 12, 2013.

  1. Go Canada!!!! 
  2. Noooo, not Denmark! :(
  3. Da hell did I just read? :|
  4. Quite frankly I'm not to worried about Denmark. Neither should the rest of is Canadians
  5. It is a grave situation. I don't know why you all think this is a joke :|
  6. The firsts tensions occurred when the Denmark Vikings tried making settlements in Canada, but their settlements were frequently attacked by Canadians, putting an end to the Danish settlements of Canada
  7. @Wary

    NK has said Japan/SK are the first targets. If they bomb Japan, China will do our dirty work for us.
  8. Hydrogen bombs???...really? Roflmao
  9. Let's do the sample tale of the tape between DENMARK and CANADA shall we?

    Famous Landmark:
    D: The Mermaid at Copenhagen Harbour
    C: CN Tower in Toronto

    Winner: Hmm I'll take a half fish pretty lady over a giant Yoo Hoo.. Denmark

    D: Vikings
    C: Canucks

    Winner: Denmark

    Last War:

    Vikings tried to settle in east coast of Canada around 1000 AD but the Native Indians killed them, mwahahaha..

    Winner: Canada

    Famous Food:
    D: Danish!
    C: Poutine!

    Winner: Denmark.. I could go for a Danish with coffee right now

    D: Carlsberg
    C: Molson Canadian

    Winner: Yikes... 2 terrible beers.. I give the nod to Denmark only cos all Danish beer bottles say at the bottom 'open at other end!'

    Natural Landmarks:
    D: Limestone Cliffs and Dunes
    C: Lake Louise and Niagra Falls

    Winner: Canada... Watching the Niagra falls somehow always makes you horny

    D: Hamlet
    C: Justin Bieber

    Winner: Push

    National Animal:
    D: Mute Swan
    C: Beaver

    Winner: The Beaver wins everytime.. Beaver may be THE BEST National Animal in the world *snickers*



    Winner: I'm.. I'm.. Ummm .. Push!

    There you have it folks! The tale of the tape!
  10. Warylan you forget it won't be a war it will be Koreans clamming they want war and while they pump up the missiles everyone would attack them
  11. I guess no one realizes how much aid DPRK receives, especially from the US and China.

    If the DPRK is to fall internally, its people need to realize that their lives would be better off without Kim.

    The US will not go to war with DPRK unless DPRK aggresses (or they come up with fake pretenses, as they did in Nam and Iraq 2).

    That just leaves lovely ole China to knock some sense into DPRK, which probably will not occur unless Kim does something to piss of China.

    UN sanctions are not going to do anything unfortunately.

    Ohh and also, WWIII is going to be caused by lack of freshwater resources, I'm calling it early!
  12. No no no.. WW-III will be caused when US needs to get rid of it's Deficit, and a Hawk President in the future decides to just wack it's debtors.. I called that first! 
  13. I think the US should just be like "Yo, remember Nazi Germany? Imperial Japan? Yeah, we saved the Free World, ya'll are in debt to us in ways money can't account for. But since we are in debt to ya'll in ways money can account for, wanna just call it even?"

    And the debt crisis in the US is solved.
  14. Russia screwed Germany over more than the US did.
  15. The comparisons made of Canada and Denmark were made by someone who doesn't know much about either country :lol:
  16. @Furn, that will backfire. The US saved the world once.

    Us Brits did it seven times, at least. ;)
  17. Canada has never lost a war in history, whereas Denmark was taken over by nazi Germany. Denmark supported naziism, whereas Canada pushed to liberate the Danes. Canadians and Danes have fought indirectly many times in history, it is only now that the two countries are openly engaging in combat.

    Btw, the current Conservative Party (Canada's government ATM) is pro-USA. They follow many American philosophies and support spending on military, even though it doesnt benefit Canada in any sense.
  18. The USA wasn't needed to turn the tides of WWII. The Soviet Union was enough to crush both Germany AND Japan. Stalin would willingly do it if it meant making territorial gains and spreading communism. Therefore, to this I say: the USA didn't save the world.
  19. @Evil, we all know that. Let them believe in their fabrications a little longer until reality smacks them down in several decades.