Writer's Duel!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Renamed23817 (01), Nov 26, 2010.

  1. The scenery writer describes the battlefield. Then the writers describe their characters as best as they can. Then the judges decide the winner.

    Am I right?
  2. Creating the character needs to provide how they enter the scenery
  3. But that's basically it
  4. So you create your characters before the scenery peeps do their thing?
  5. Okeydokey artichokey
  6. U mean:
    Jason: takes the bark out of the trees bending the very molecules forming a sharp splinter-like armor. This he uses for defense.

    Lee: summons fire from with his fingers which he lights forest on fire then runs to the stream.

    made up names and needs more detail but that?
  7. Me and cheese will do an example duel so that you guys will get the basic idea
  8. Good, I gotta pwn a few people before it starts anyway
  9. I may not be able to participate in the duels tomorrow since I'll be out shopping tomorrow...

  10. Klassik please join the palringo group "writers duel" I have a message for you
  11. I didz it
  12. Well hello everyone! ;p
  13. My character is ready...
  14. Me and cheese will be having a duel soon if he comes on
  15. Wait, is the duel on PAL or here?