It's unbelievable how stupid people are being over this. There's been many stupid dumb ass comments on this thread I have to wonder how ata deals with this. 1. You try being a LB player in a LB clan and then tell me how fun it is to hit a eb that's basically like hitting warbeasts. That's what it's like to LB players when they hit the bone dragon ebs. 2. No it shouldn't be a easier eb so you can hit who in there right minds makes a LB eb that's weaker than existing ebs 3. No one is forcing you to do this eb and no one can tell devs when they should or shouldn't bring out a new eb. ( unless they know key information that devs know, which is partially a great deal more than you clowns know )
My whole point about making it slightly easier than ASOF is that it will be the first of a new series which is quite often easier than the hardest of the series before. Also barely anyone currently runs ASOF due to the small amount of players willing to actually hit it currently.
If its harder than asof, and this is just part one of the series. Id hate to see how hard the next few after this will be. And we could really use a season 5 announcement! Or atleast a heads up so we can plan.
Could be me, but if the top 5 or top 10 clans can do ASoF and the number 6 or 11 can't, that doesn't mean the eb is too hard, it just means there is still a gigantic gap between those clans, which is a differentt problem entirely, if it's a problem at all. I don't know if ASoF is a 12 hour or 16 hour eb, but SS finishes it in less than 7 hours I think. This means that they have 5-9 hours left on it while other top 10 clans fail it. Again, that doesn't mean the eb is too hard, just that SS is gigantic compared to the other top 10 clans. Same story for this new eb imo.
I agree 100% with this! no support for this eb from me. while I agree the new series should be hard, the first eb in the series should be as simple as say TS( the second eb in last series) why make the first eb too hard for clans ranked at say 100 on lb. the top 50 will struggle, so this eb is directed at 1 clan with 100 members when there are 10,000s ppl in the kaw community .... devs surely showing us their lack of common sense
Yes I agree with kezzer1995 as well, that would of made alot more sense and something for alot more clans to work on growing together as a clan as the series expanded.
I love the way KAW is responding to the questions, with good reasons, u see KAW doesn't hate us. Stop crying ppl game is a game. We are the game
hey man dont worry war xstals comin out w clan updates closin in on 2 yrs ago. Oh yea nvm it was to hard even though they refunded during beta. Well at least they did the clan updates. Oh yea
Good job devs, it is a great thing that you are trying to add a challenge for higher ups. Thank you guys for keeping this game alive for this long.
The new EB isn't for everyone, but I for one appreciate the fact the devs are trying. I am not going to hit it cause frankly, my clan is not strong enough to do so, but I like the fact I have something to look forward to.
@ wolfie There's no reason to get upset over other people's opinions. Some will like the update and others won't. I don't have a problem with them introducing a new EB tier. I won't be doing that anytime soon and I don't care to. But there's a gigantic gap in this game and that needs to be dealt with. Not everyone wants to spend hundreds on seals and xtals to catch up to the high stat builds/LB builds.
I don't agree with the whole bit about clan loyalty and these big, tough ebs tearing clans apart. I have some of the most loyal members in my clan. We work together as a family to achieve a goal. We have been doing AFF b2b for sometime. Sure a few of us, myself included, have went elsewhere to do asof, but thats called gathering intel. Loyals always come back. Sure, we have enough enchants to run asof now, but as a family, we dont want to leave the non-enchanted sitting for hours while enchants chip away at the enchant bar in asof. So as a family with a goal, we continue b2b aff, TOGETHER. A member is only as loyal to a clan as the clan is to them. My suggestion... find a clan you can call family, go above and beyond, and youll be where you want to be. For those saying that they will never be big enough to hit asof or lotl, just be active in the ebs you do hit, keep at it. Look at my account, im over 50mcs in just a little over 2 years without spending months in an hte clan. And ive rebuilt twice, early on, before prices were reduced for anything. Anything is possible in this game. And remember, it is just a game. Games are meant to be fun. If you are miserable playing this game, then go find another game that you will enjoy more. As for those who in the past say its impossible to get on the LB... just keep reaching for what you want. Looking forward to doing this EB in the future with my family. I love you -VR-!!