Wrath of the Sveruganti - New High Level EB Series

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, May 6, 2015.

  1. Why so much outrage over an EB being too hard? It's just a PvE progression.

    PvP does still need an overhaul though. PvP events recently have been an improvement in that field.
  2. Whiskey doing b2b ASF since it came out. B2B starting to do ASF b2b. Give it a few months.
  3. What top clans my dear sir? I am in a top clan which is ranked 6 in the strongest LB. I gave up on ASoF as it was a nightmare. More than half the people in my clan cringe at the name of ASoF. Now to top that you release this EB when even top 5% are failing their hits in ASoF. Maybe top 50 LB are doing fine. So I guess you released this for Cella, Redstar and the gang. Unfortunately they are all busy doing HTE, so you might want to ring their door bell and ask them to help you out by hitting your new EB. Pretty interesting think tank you have hired at ATA.

    And then the equipment you release is defence heavy, now unless the EB starts hitting back I do not see the point. Same is the issue with all the Scrag equipments, all of them suckers are defence heavy. Apparently the defence stats do nothing to prevent the fails on ASoF. This probably will be good for EE players, but then you would be screwing them with Mith equipment at lower stats. Unless your plan is to Lol at all of us.

    What was needed more was a few new and fresh EBs for the smaller guys who are bored as hell hitting warbeasts since the age of Polka dots. An EB that probably my kids will be able to hit after 4-5 years was much needed, eh? I'll pass my device to my kids in my Will and tell them to make sure they upgrade this account and hit this new EB for the Lols.

    Yours truly,
    Someone in the "Top Clans".
  4. So the Devs made an EB that the 6th strongest clan can't even touch. Wow.
  5. Oh, also --

    When I came back to kaw I noticed new accounts have all LL cleared, and a new player bonus, as well as the WC announcement so they are vollied up for starting cash that much quicker. I refuse to accept any whining about catering to the other 95% -- if you're that impatient you can buy some seals and grow quicker that way. There are also BR bonuses and individual wars for even more chances at additional plunder ability from EBs, also aiding in faster player development.

    I swear the patience of most MMORPG players is getting even worse when it comes to actually progressing. If ATA catered to that kind of pandering everyone would be build complete upon log in.
  6. You seem to have noticed the new changes.
    You ever seen the inflation!!!!?
    You can't even get a statless alt for less than a bil.
    It takes a helluva long time to settle, there are no allies new players can buy as soon as they join!
  7. Because they are the ones spending money on the game. This is a gadeveloped to make money. if you had a business you would try to make money also. There are many fixes that have been mentioned to improving the game. Because you decided to not grow your account shouldn't effect others game play also
  8. Oh I meant another new epic battle already, you just barely came out with a sacrifice of flesh.
  9. Hitting the same people over and over for a whole two weeks is improving? The more you know...
  10. Lol really? Just released the last dragon eb. Now your making the insanely hard to obtain eq obsolete?
  11. Then you are doing something wrong. When I teach a new player the ropes with my alt I also teach them how to get an ally within a day. 1b isn't much, not even to the newest players if you are taught how.
  12. Because they are the ones spending money on the game. This is a gadeveloped to make money. if you had a business you would try to make money also. There are many fixes that have been mentioned to improving the game. Because you decided to not grow your account shouldn't effect others game play also[/quote]

    They are not the only ones spending money on this game.
  13. That's actually not boots, but basically like a stand holding the resonator. Think of a gong.

    Don't put words in my mouth. What I am saying is that we have people at a LARGE number of different levels of progression. There's a large number of EB's for people at low/medium ranges, and we're adding more for those who are starting to reach the high/end ranges to balance this out.

    Because the EB itself, the creature originates from the lowlands. It encompasses the different elements found there.

    This new EB series pays well. More to the last Scrag one.

    It's very difficult. Again, more than the last Scrag one. It's meant as a challenge for some of the top players in the game. Think of a Top Tier/Elite Boss.

    While I can't give out exact numbers, a decent number of players are completing the various Scrag EB's including the last one. Right now progression wise this makes sense, and gives players an actual challenge to tackle.

    No plans on ASOF difficulty being reduced.

    I'm also not sure why a new EB would make you quit. It's a challenge for some of our higher players. We release content for different groups of players at different times and have a number of improvements already to help lower players as well. Lowlands unlocked for new players, Blood Rains, Event Plunder Spells, and more. Are you saying we should NEVER release content for players simply because you can't do it? That doesn't seem fair.
  14. i am a 46M cs Ps1, im just lettings devs know that im never doing ASOF OR THIS NEW EB EVER , i did one attack, pays like hte only i do 13x less damage xD gr8 u guys enjoy the top clans do these 2 ebs, the monster looks handsome,Gj on the makeup ,AFF still best for me
  15. And get the freaking S5 before more people rage quit, im almost at that stage
  16. How about you chumps grow right now and go for that eb, you guys can't expect a shortcut.
  17. So pays about the same as HTE a little less but only big players/LB can hit it. So they get EBS with better gold but the smaller players suffer for not spending thousands on the game. Maybe allow smalls to hit too so they don't have to buy seals!
  18. The amount of gold a player earns has always increased with their size in the same way buildings and upgrades do. It's pretty standard in games to earn more gold as you "level up".

    High tier players need a lot more gold, as you see with the Abyss. It's serious work, and it should be.
  19. Lmao I just realized how actually reading all the hate mail @ devs is somehow the most fun and interesting part of this game  growth and cs don't matter , your bfe and bfa don't matter .

    All you need to do is wait for these kind of updates and enjoy the hilarity
  20. Waste of time if you ask me