@ Castiel Maybe devs could incorporate a twisted version of "God Mode" from FOD. Of course, there should be a fair reward for those who complete it (i.e. King's Tomb.....again from FOD).
Perhaps a percent chance that each hit will fail? That would certainly keep the eb interesting without having the huge cs reqs
My only reservation on that is player may hesitate to use a crystal if he/she knows a % of it may fail. Sure, for the big spenders, why not? But for the common players? Hmmm...
New High Level EB Series Nice eb for all bc player thx But only 5 clans can play this not many it is time for build and land token so can many more clans play the new eb's
Re: New High Level EB Series This. What's the point in another extremely hard eb anyway if only a couple of clans could do ASoF?
I'm nearly positive more build tokens will be set as rewards soon. Possibly spyglasses too. The devs, contrary to popular belief, do not enjoy putting down the community.
I heard of that rare fod drop in the epic battle forum section, never actually saw it drop an been playing years. Drop rate must be super low
No one doing asof anymore. Please explain devs how can we get equipment from asof ?? Your twisted minds might have some options
I'm just asking you guys what numbers you looked at? I hardly know 10-15 people who got asof axe. This new eb pays better that's nice if you but instead of making this new eb just could have improved asof. Or given a week of three times more drops from it or 50% more gold from it if you were feeling generous. Now you killed asof because all will want to do lol. Why the hell you made asof?? I wanted arms and off hand equip from asof but don't see a way I can get it ever. And don't give me advises on opening a new clan to do it b2b myself etc. just accept it that this was a ill planned release on your part.
I believe it was removed a couple of years back... I myself have received kings tomb atleast 4-5 times... Back when clans did back to back FOD lol
Yes it was removed years back. I had gotten it a few times. CotD had a smaller version of it too. I got a huge bronze bar/hammer drop from fod a few times also, but again that was long ago.
I know what they are doing now, 4 ebs for four lands This eb for the lowlands Idk for the highlands Probably a revamped version if Jograth for the third set of lands And.... THE NEW SHARK EB FOR THE ABYSS LANDS
Why all the calls for larger paying small ebs we all grew doing them I'm coming up on 3 yrs playing and it's easier to grow now.Ive finally broke the 1000 lb threshold and have not bought my way there in fact since HTE has taken over this game in all aspects I've quit buying anything in this game.My smallest alt is now 21 mil cs and haven't spent a dime on it in 9 months of playing him patience n activity is the key to growing in this game.Nothing worthwhile comes easy unless born with a fat wallet. Growth and the right build allows you to gain from these larger eb's not just sitting around with your hand out for freebies.
been playing 5 years. 4 on this account. not nearly as large as some others, it's a process, grow. keep doin regular hauntings they give good gold and drop seals. a good clan will help you.