Wow, kaws still going!!!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IIIII__JACKZILA__IIIIIIII, Aug 17, 2015.

  1. to: quit kaw it is addicting taking over your life crap

    doesnt this old to every game?
  2. I somewhat agree with jackzilla. I reset and tried to quit several months back, not because I thought the game would die. Just sick of looking at kaw and watching all the money Grubing events take place...even worse then that so many people actually frantically spend lots of their money on this...change their sleep habbits, label kaw as an "important part of their life". This game is nothing great, it's fun...mildly entertaining when you have nothing better to do. So I'm back for now, I'm sure I'll be gone again. Kaw never has and never will be as good as so many hopeless addicts seem to think it is.
  3. Can I have the 5 minutes of my life I wasted reading this thread back please.

    I was here, I'm back, I'm leaving again blah blah

    To summarise : "we don't care"
  4. RANT RANT RANT says Moody
    And im not staying, i just hope that this game isn't still going for the plain reason that ur all senseless addicts that play this game to stop urselves from drinking ur life away or dieing with a syringe in ur arm...

  5. It's nice to know that I'm still able to troll and hit all of Ur spots. Although I failed slightly **** u roudy romper. U almost made me believe myself. Anyways. Nice catch up kaw 
  6. Support
  7. Nah....
    Frontal lobotomy works better