Would you live on Mars?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by NICKOtheNINJA, Oct 7, 2015.

  1. Imagine the lag 
  3. Prefer Keplar
  4. XTAL NOW!!!

    wc the war ended 2 mins ago...
  5. Glad to see another traveller from Mars. Don't go there, we came to Earth for a reason.
  6. More like 2 days ago lol
  7. I shall be the first ever wc from Mars 
  8. If you go, i'll follow :)
  9. I will wc u all to Mars 
  10. Things I'd wanna take:

    A super soaker water rifle
    A pogo stick
    A pair of Nike pumps
    A helium canister and balloons.
    A kite.
    Roller shoes.
    A blow up doll. Preferably with long hair.
    A bike.
    A chicken.
    A can of Coke.
    Some Coke.
    A copy of total recall and no way to play it.
    And the hover board from Back to the Future

    That is all.
  11. A blowup girl doll with long hair eh? there will be girls going too
  12. Mars 1st president ??
  13. Nicko for first Mars Pres 2k24 
  14. Would you live in Peckham ?
  15. How will mars be divided ... States ? ... Districts ??
  16. One community of the finest warriors and clan mates Mars has ever seen lol
  17. No kaw sooooo no :c

    maybe when 10GLTE gets that far Doe ;)
  18. Has the uranus joke been made?
    I would travel to Uranus
  19. Probably none that would want to use my matches to explode a blow up doll filled with helium on Mars.