Would you live on Mars?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by NICKOtheNINJA, Oct 7, 2015.

  1. people go to another place not governed by laws but science.. you can mention what unethical scientific experiments could be done in mars which are prohibited on earth.
  2. Not that I know I don't think anyone is living on the moon but there is word that there possible extraterrestrial constructs like a bridge a possible building and also what NASA thinks is a nuclear reactor
  3. Mars... and a wall... a very... big... wall ..
  4. Yes I would love to might get some peace for once. Too many people on this planet about time we moved out
  5. I think its sad man has messed this planet up and is now expanding to mess other planets up.
  6. I'd go.

    Imagine all of the 'first time ever on Mars' you would be able to achieve.
  7. I would definitely leave earth and live on Mars. Sounds fun and tbh people on earth blow  no morals or values whatsoever.
  8. Code:
     [imgfit] (link here) [/imgfit] 
    Thanks lol (and see I'm a forum noob I messed up the quote)
  9. Lol reminds me of the movie with Matt Damon being forced to survive on Mars.
  10. Lol exactly I was gonna edit that in too
  11. Would prefer a place with a bit more atmosphere.

    Taxi please.
  12. Why leave Earth? It isn't broken yet. Don't fix what isn't broken
  13. U can be the first Uber on Mars lol
  14. Got to disagree with it being not broken.
  15. I would live there just to get away from my ex wife the kids would come with me also
  16. If my friends and family could come id go
  17. Interesting perspective
  18. I once heard that it is no measure of health to live in a profoundly sick society. I tend to agree with this so just cause it doesn't seem broken don't mean it's not. On to op . Some believe we came from Mars originally. I'm not saying this is true or not. The story is however very old and was believed in bc times. So maybe the Martians would look exactly like us or maybe even us lmao. Now onto would I go. Hell yes give me 40 swimsuit models 9 laborers and me . I need all 49 people to pass free thinking exam. If they can think for themselves I don't want them . Only need people who believe what they are told without objection. These types of people are plentiful so should easily be found . Lastly I need a emp device to launch back at earth and stop technology temporarily so I will be on a equal playing ground . Can't have them attacking my planet because they feel it's forbidden for me to have 40 wife's and 9 slaves. Ps I also need obama. He will be my chief servant . All that and I'll leave tommorrow.
  19. Every. Single. Whovain. On. KaW. Says. No.
  20. I'd do it if a bunch of extremely attractive women went with me. If not, NOPE.