would u do ee if

Discussion in 'Wars' started by I_I_I-CLOUD-I_I_I, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. I think the three main factors stopping people from warring are : cost, lack of experience leading/organizing/tracking , and shell shock from past seasons.

    And probably roster size also so four factors.

    Would a seal help? Maybe . Only problem is the experienced clan is most likely going to beat the hell out of the new clan warring , and the new clan may never see a seal.
  2. To twist your idea a little , maybe some sort of reward for high action / plunder people on the losing side would increase participation.
  3. it costs a 1$ a war. i can seal with that. ahhhhh see what i did there ๎’
  4. I think what cloud wants is to boost participants. The more clans fighting the better the matchups. This is especially needed for us Asians. S3 was terrible for Asian matchups. I ended up with a 2/2 record and about 13 no matches. As a result I couldn't get anywhere near the rancor needed for the good prizes. That's one reason why I'm glad they are offered now. I would revise it to 5 random drops on the winner side and 3 random drops on the losers just for being good sports. I don't see why top plunder necessarily needs the drop and unlike cloud I don't lose that much sleep over inactives. .
  5. It might boost participation. But even with that frog it's 8 seals times 5.90 which equals $47.20 lost revenue per war.

    Xtals only cost $.60 when you but them in bulk. So devs would take a $47.20-$12.00 which equals 35.20 loss EVERY WAR.

    This idea is bad.

    Only way it could be possibly implemented is if you made it like an epic battle and at the end it says "...a rare seal is found by..." And the whole process is random. This means MAYBE only 1 seal per war to a random participant.
  6. Many top plunder gets 1 sod
  7. I EE because enjoy it, I don't need free stuff but if that will help others then great. I do think that people that puts more effort should get more of a payout.

    Inactive, people with less than 25 actions (successfully + unsuccessful) should get nothing refunded and a broken sword spell for minimum of 1 week.
  8. I get ur drift CLOUD an incentive of some kind to promote wars. If it remains for in clan use i can see it. Anything that can promote wars n encourage participation is worth a looksee.
    Maybe a unique bonus eb be invented instead of a give away. Only clannies in clan during war can participate. Might encourage more wars n clan unity. Only offered during S4?
  9. Rewards must be based off winning as a team only to keep team work alive. Without working as a team your top plunder will be nothing when you lose.
  10. Make cloud a moderator ๎€
  11. It shouldn't be based on actions or plunder (sometimes a certain player is the other clan's whipping toy)...

    However, if Devs automatically started a HTE or some other EB that the clan (not just war participants) could hit and make plunder equivalent to HTE..... That could work.... devs would need to lock clan members to prevent kicking and adding members....
  12. That is a good idea Bizzaro. I know in another game I played a select set of 20 warriors warred every time the clan declared an attack or got attacked. The roster could be changed at any moment. It wasn't a real battle though. Battles were simulated in that game.
  13. Boosting rewards would help participation... But giving out seals for EE is pretty unrealistic and not really fair either.

    They could however boost the rewards that are already in place. The mith payout isn't really that great of a reward... Unless you risk high amounts you won't get a good payout even if you are top 10.

    Mith used in EE should be replaced upon winning and that's it, it shouldn't have any other impact on payout. Then they should increase the amount of winning based on plunder, actions, ranking, pots etc.

    There's no real incentive for rewards if you war your ass off, earn a top spot, but still only profit 20mith when you cast a minimum of 14 each war.

    I do really like how they've implemented the "hunt" system in EE though. Not that I'll be anywhere near the top players but the ones with the most effort do deserve better equip.

    I'm not sure why Indi wars only get 1 medallion though... They should get the same amount especially since this is were they see the most participation. If the goal is to increase participation why would you only give 50% reward where it's most popular?
  14. Everyone wants something for nothing.
    Address WHY there's no participation.
    The high cost of towers...the low plunder makes it difficult to grow into a war build. So much easier to stay sh and just add bfa and bfe. But not everyone wishes to war as a *****.

    The constant exploitation... you only win the incentives IF you win the war.. So everyone is out to increase their chances of winning. Oh wait.. You can win awards if you create no matches for yourself. That's no risk of loss..

    What's wrong with additional payout to top 10-
    Top plunder isn't always those who contributed the most.
    Would ensure the demise of pure spies in ee. They are the only counter to an sh and they don't plunder, so they often sit at the bottom of the war roster. No reward=why war

    A war based on plunder is always going to support the exploit of an already broken system.. The gh/sh plunder differences have never been addressed, they are just growing in bfa further, so any sh with 50t in bfa can hit a hf complete build. Hence .. Primal wars was created.

    To stop clans from stacking.. Indi wars was created.

    Devs spend all their time trying to block the exploits that they themselves allowed to happen.

    Devs killed the clan based incentives of EE by allowing it to travel with you, no need to carry your own weight in a clan and work together, just clan jump and merc to win. That certainly makes things easier to put together no match rosters and stack unbeatable teams.
  15. ๎ˆฎval hit the nail on the head