What i do for easy cash when im on regen is watch wc for new players. I help volley them up to about 2bil and i stop, he usually is sold instantly or quickly. Either way, it's about a 100mil gain. I make about 6-20 volleys per day, so it's about 600mil-2bil income
If your not allie trading then your leaving billions on the table a day. I run through about 500b to 700b in allies a day. It's great money. I say low lands lcbc then start banking every dime in allies. As the poster said above. It has to be the right allies or they won't sell. The ones I buy sell in about 1 to six hours. I cycle them like crazy.
If your trying to bank money, buy tons of the most expensive attack pot. It sells for 75% of original price, while ally's only sell for....60% I believe. And yeah it would work but it would take FOREVER