Worst Kaw Player of All Time

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IVANDER2, Nov 19, 2012.

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  1. Vlad was pretty bad
  2. My vote is for this olibear character
  3. Lol olibear is pretty awesome and a great forumer.
  4. But I already know that you knew that ;)
  5. The worst kaw player? The ones that refuse to help people with simple question, that continuously tear down newer players.

    You can't name a "worst" player when you haven't talked to all players. I'd say that if you are just a troll, and troll threads of those people that need help, you're the worst player.
  6. Theninjamonkey is
  7. Th3n1njamonk3y
  8. The dumbest would be captain-sparkles but there are countless players with 0 stats and 10000 cost.
  9. Yeah 0cs ppl r
  10. Lol Odin :lol:

    And thanks Falcon 
  11. I'd have to say melissa_honeybee or however her name was spelt, her constant threads coming out with bs about iG was so annoying.
  12. Eh that's the same with imitation cheese. Pre KotFE scandal he was cool. During and after 
  13. Anyone who couldn't even make it past that scary Az'Guhl the Barbarian guy.
  14. Cheese was a pretty awesome guy all the way through I thought Oli.
  15. Eh, he changed. He seemed to do things more for attention ever since KotFE.
  16. @doctor You butthurt or something?
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