Worse Cuss words in English

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IllI_lTS-ME-OR-THE-ETHANs_lIlI, Feb 11, 2012.

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  1. This is stupid and childish in b4 the lock
  2. Cu word as in
    Ill Cu get forum banned!
  3. I personally prefer curmudgeon, but you're probably looking for cursory.
  4. Oh I get it c as in carbon and Cu as in copper
  5. See you next Tuesday

    Now say that in txt language
  6. Okay c u Nxt Tueday
  7. He'll be back. The noobs always come back
  8. c u nxt tues
  9. Is asking people to break the rules breaking the rules?
  10. It's curse anyway idiot not cuss
  11. Technically they wouldn't break the rules since it would be censored I think eltyr but I'm not positive
  12. Zachghost, good choice

    To Worral, Anthony and Timothy
  13. hmm its interesting we need to bypass to post curses so i think this is a bad idea. someone needs to lock this. also, dont post this crap on strategy. this is for S T R A T E G Y
  14. N word now please GTHO and kthxbai
  15. Op is a faggot.
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