As a strong woman and a supporter of Hillary Rodham Clinton(#ImWithHer), I believe trump should be kicked out of the White House as soon as possible. Hillary deserved to be president simply because she wasn't part of the cis white male patriarchy like trump. #ComeAtMeRacists
Stop trying to start fights ffs. Not the point of the thread. Anyone else concerned our President-Elect only seems to know how to use Twitter to bully and fight like 90% of you on this thread? Would it hurt the guy to throw a few positive messages out there from time to time?
A few questions if i may... Why is the cost of education so high in the US? Is it to keep ppl oppressed or elitism? Is education of so low a value that so many r left hopeless if born into less than an affluent family? Is illiteracy a right or fate for poor ppl? Why a so-called wealthy nation cannot afford to help educate all its citizens? See Germany Illiteracy is so high in the US for no reason. Prisons r a big business for a reason. Highest per capita in the world. Why is this? Help out ALL the populous vs all the other petty issues. Trump or Clinton r nobodies and the ppl r everything.