Yes I do have a valid opinion on it, big political events like this one, Brexit etc, has impacts on every country in some way. If America started a war with Russia due to a president, it would drag most or all of the world into their selfish conflict. Yes, some decisions will only affect America but you need to look at the bigger picture. Don't disregard my opinion because it's different to yours, it shows ignorance and a closed mind. If you want to reply with a proper argument then I will listen and respect it.
Ignorance and a closed mind? Because your first comment was based on a political issue and not a global issue. Your second comment was based off of hypothetical propaganda. My mind is wide open to any and everyone. You want to talk global affairs be my guest, but when it comes to our democracy and political processes you and your views are irrelevant.
1st its stuck with Trump for 4 years. 2nd I laugh everytime i here an American say the left. No such thing in America. Lastly I do hope Trump has some answers. GL Truly
Half these morons think they live in a democracy, just goes to show the ignorance and stupidity of American people and the continued failings of their educational system. You live in a Republic, repeat after me; Republic. Your votes for president don't matter as you're not a Democracy, only the vote from your representatives in the electoral college matter. Quit being so stupid.
Lol republicans could have nominated Mickey Mouse and won, dems have had control for 8years, it was gonna go republican regardless of who they picked for their candidate .
You had half the country wanting one person to be president because he spoke his mind but has zero idea how he'll accomplish his policies; the other half wanted to vote them in simply because of their gender and wanted to be apart of that history, but again no real sound political platform. If you settled for 1 of the 2 choices rather than say push to change your broken 2 party system, it's a very idiotic and self destructive thing to do, how many of you can say you know a lot about your area's representative and where they stand in politics before the electoral vote? I'm going to guess not many do. So yea a vast majority are stupid whether through not being educated or willfully not acting against what is clearly a bad idea.
See its idiotic foreign rhetoric like this that grew hate in 50% of the American people and got trump elected. You create hate towards yourself and then throw a fit when we as a nation get fed up with it and put an elected official in office who will ultimately turn his back on the world. Another thing you, who call us idiots, don't understand is our voting system. The Electoral Colledge is ultimately determined by the individual voter. Everyone's vote counts. So when a state turns in its votes the winner (with the most votes) is granted those Electoral votes for said state. By the very definition that is a democracy, not a republic. No I was not for trump, nor Clinton.
I completely disagree, this is a global and political events/issue (depending on how you were to see it). As I'm from the UK, I have spoken and debated with many people from different countries, including Americans about Brexit. Everyone was talking about it and throwing in their opinion which I respected whether I agreed or disagreed. Why should this be any different. You pass my opinion off as irrelevant because you don't agree with it yet you wouldn't pass it off as irrelevant if we shared the same views. I'm not trying to force you to agree with my opinion on the subject, I'm genuinely interested on the opposite opinions people have on Trump rather than the usual "he is racist, sexist, going to deport everyone, etc" comments that I have personally looked into and passed off as being over-exaggerated and propaganda (that and I love arguing if you couldn't already guess). Also me calling you ignorant and close minded has nothing to do with propaganda, you were correct about the hypothetical part of it though. I don't know you or your personality to fully confirm that you are ignorant and close minded, however, that is what I perceived from the messages you have sent in this forum. Good day sir.
He might turn out OK, America was stuck with Obama for 8 years (even though I like Obama and genuinely think he is a good guy, but he hasn't done anything memorable during the last 8 years). I don't understand what you mean by you laugh everytime a American says left. Firstly, I'm from the UK Secondly, there is a left (hillary) and a right (trump) wing in American politics which was evident from the 50/50 percent vote outcome.
M.A.G.A we the people have to be great to make America great again. President elect Trump will be a hell of a ride. But we can do this. Bite your lip and give it hell. Show this turd who's boss. And that being said who does number 2 work for.
Did Fox feed you that line? Try thinking about the point of the thread...I wish the new Prez all the luck in the world but he isn't off to a great start. Anyone that wants to trash Hillary can start a new thread and get off this one because that also is not the point of this thread. Actually read people and stop your knee jerk political canned responses. The election is over. Unfortunately Trump's behavior and attitudes are worrisome. Stick to that and leave the rest of your garbage off the thread
Boba-fett knows about politics about as much as he knows about wrestling/martial arts ...almost nothing, he's a parrot to left wing politics. He just repeats what he hears from left wing media... ..he is right about two party politics in America though. Is BS and should go
...and ild agree somewhat with Eblord about the hate mongering. Boba did u know 24% of "Hispanic women who voted voted for trump? ..look up the voting stats before you throw the whole country into two narrowinded groups He also got 12% of the black vote ...that may not sound like alot but it's double what Mitt Romney got
Boba instead of trying to "inflame" threads with your ignorance try looking up facts before u open your piehole ...different people voted for different reasons, more then the two you listed anyways