Of course I gotta agree with my close Internet lover bunzzzz(buns1) I second his motion to WW3! To make this clear... I will solicite all my friends in various clans if this comes to be: Let it be known that if mojo was to have allies it would be in no particular order and incomplete: my friends in Modern republic my friends in fsu my friends in hollow my friends in IG my friends in Fox my friends in Dignitas my friends in all their sub-clans my friends in Zaft( yes I have one)Strong my friends in Hyper my friends in Assassins Guild(although I'm not considered sins friend anymore) And anyone against deathmonkey if i forgot you please post my wall
I too agree that this sounds like fun. WW3 has been a highly foreshadowed event im the real world. Lets make it happen here..... But we should model it after a real life war... Everybody from one country on the same side with all of that countries real life allies fighting with them. We would just have to pick the two countries to lead the teams