Germany basically owns all of Europe through the EU anyway . Possibility of Britain leaving, weak French economy etc.
Luccus the forces were kept in the pays de Calais because it was were the German high command and the corporal expected them to be needed for the real allied invasion. Operation Fortitude and the co-opting of the entire German spy network in the uk had persuaded the Germans the allies had a whole other army in England they were waiting to be lead into the field by General Patton. For days after invasion the German high command still anticipated a second force to push into the Calais region.
So that they can be an insignificant little country that ends up as broke as other small EU countries?
I was wondering if I should troll and derail this thread because of the complete stupidity of the opening post. But then I read half the responses and realised this is an awesome post. Finally all the idiots have a forum thread they can latch onto. And hopefully leave valuable threads to sensible discussion. Now to post on the far more important topic of butthurt and how it affected players that have shot themselves in the knee.
Germany was beating Russia until the U.S. Butted in and gave them the resources and when the resources weren't enough the U.S. Jumped in. I think Germany and the nazis were good if not great people. Most have a misrepresentation of what the nazis were remember "the victors in battle write the history" or whatever that famous quote is. The nazis were our so called enemies so of course we're gonna be raised to hate them. The holocaust is the only event in history that you have to believe in, in Europe. You can go to jail if you don't.... Another thing nazis supposedly killed what like 6 million Jews while the U.S.'s homie the soviets killed 23-30 million Ukrainians but you don't hear about that atrocity. Or that the U.S. Controls Germany (including the education system) until the year 2099. As for the nazis being racist idk about that they had lots of other races fight along side of them, including Indians from India and even Americans.
And why can't you muppets do what the allies did at least to an effective extent back then. Get along, and quit bickering. Grief it's like watching kids brag about who's got the bigger. Whip em out doofuss. Argue and belittle everything your grandfathers fought for. Or try to make the world a better place by your presence. The same as they did. When they fought and died to allow you a free world to live in. Just so you can bicker about who did what when and how big your parts are. Bloody disgrace to see so much arguing about the sacrifices made by their generation.
That's what history is. That generation you are talking about looked back on events before their time and done the same thing. Don't like it? Maybe try geography then.
What ******** is this, lol! In germany we are thought about the USA in a really critical context, same with russia. But surely the USA controlls our education-system. Oh and our politic. Uuuugh, put on a tinfoil hat and stfu please. And let me guess: The holocaust never happened? Oh. Thats why my grandfather is traumatized from his work in a Konzentrationslager. Your comment is filled with conspiracy ******** and i seriously hope you're trolling.
Ok first the USA didn't " jump " Germany declared war on the USA following the Japanese attack at pearl. Second knowing that the Stalinist Russia leadership were horrendous people doesn't mean that the nazis's were anything better. They were both extreme totalitarian regimes who killed those who disagreed with them about almost anything. Ok as for other races fighting for the nazis's the Germans used ost battalions basically slave troops with Germans NCOs to ensure they fought. The USA doesn't control Germany the allied nations spilt Germany following the war into zones of control the allied zones became west Germany years later and reunified with east Germany in the 1990's.
Rome was a terrible dictatorship. For over 700 years as a Republic they did fantastic, but afterwards didn't do well due to the rapid amount of assassinations and civil conflicts that occurred over the throne. And that's not what I meant at all. There would have been many thousands or millions of non-Aryan scientists who would have been either killed or imprisoned, which would have undoubtedly slowed down progress