Wow Germany failed both plans to take over the world... They allowed hitler to take over... The natzis killed innocent Jews.... .... .... And yet you say we screw things up
On the bright side, there wouldn't be any war, as only the Western Allies and Russia really had the power to stand against the Axis war machine. Civil war and rebellion? Perhaps initially. However the Nazis usually dealt with this by executing the ringleaders, which would quickly bring down any other plots. In exchange for the lack of war, there would instead be mass persecution and genocide. The Holocaust and the Japanese's infamously poor treatment of their subjects stand as examples of what was possible in just a few years - these could be freely continued indefinitely in a world with no opposition to fight it. Media would be tightly controlled. There would be no social networking (or it would be highly controlled) and all TV/radio/games/books would be state-approved and filled with propaganda. Military technology would be advanced but useless, as there are no longer any free countries with the strength to challenge the Axis - most of it would be scrapped or decommissioned and research slowed/halted. Political and personal freedoms would be non-existent as the Nazis and Italians used Dictatorships and Japan had a monarchy. Opinions against the state or rulers would result in execution. A more advanced world? Yes. A better one? No.
Lack of war? The Russians held their own. They would continue to fight, for years, and at the cost of millions of lives.
Yes, but had the Axis had the full power of their armies against Russia, they would've eventually succeeded.
What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Kind of doubt it ...Axis "powers" other then Germany who you referring to ..Italy? lol. Japan wouldn't have been much help, their ground forces weren't really all that ...we beat them with almost strictly Naval power. If WW2 was strictly Russia against Germany amd no one else involved there's a good chance Russia could've beaten them on their own.
Germany had it's successes in the east without it's full army. They only failed due to poor strategic decisions from [german leader who's name is censored] and the fact they were still fighting in the West at the same time
You gotta remember when Germany 1st started to take over Europe (WW2) half of European countries did absolutely nothing to stop it from happening ...they just laid it down and waited to be taken over. NOT ALL but many did. Some countries DID put up a valiant fight even though they knew they would be crushed by the German war machine (Poland, Belgium some others) but a serious effort by Europeans to stop the Germans didn't start till the Germans had damn near taken over the whole continent. Every European country owes England for stopping Germany from doing that
How so? They almost won with more than a third of their operational force. Imagine how much better their already quick coming in the east would have been with generals like Rommel and Guideran and other countries that had experience rolling over the Low Countries. Had the Nazis captured Moscow in the first winter, which would have been entirely possible with better timing and the supplies/men the rest of the axis power could have brought. Although Italy was a joke, Japan could have blockaded the flow of any supplies from the U.S., even further demoralizing the Russian army even more after the fall of Moscow. All in all, the Germans would have taken Moscow because of the new talent and supplies, Japan would have blockaded US aid, and the remaining Russians would have been my so demoralized, they would flee to the steppes in fear and be run over By the pz IVs.
Well, considering, they came within 40 miles of Moscow during the fall of 41 without all of their power or generals, logic would Dictate that they would have taken Moscow an steam rolled the rest of Russia.
Naw ...Remember Stalingrad? And remember Germany thought they were gonna roll right through Stalingrad the time the Germans got there it was already a starving city.