Russia questions the USA with this move since Japan gave up it's claims over Korea during the treaty as well. S/Korea still mergers into Japan. Yes
Players/Countries in - USA - Khajiit - Bonus: increased army and air force strength. Japan - Rugger - Bonus: Naval bonus. New Zealand - Dark Tiger - Bonus: High defensive capabilities. Saudi Arabia - Devil - Bonus: Tons of oil. Chad - InterroBang - Bonus: Fast Scientific and technological advancements. LordZeth - Ireland - Bonus: Many Factories, making Tanks, APC's and weapons In the middle east - ISIS forces have full control over northern Iraq. Palestine has launched rockets into Israel, Israel is preping to mobilize In south America - Brazil and Chile has begun modernizing. In Asia - Tension is still tight with the N/S Korea conflict, but, the BRIC meeting went successfully. The meeting agreed on raising prices on oil for western Europe though. The terrorist group al Qaeda has set up a base in new Zealand.
Sweet. In 2016, Ireland was becoming an unstable environment, at least for the British. The Irish, increasingly hostile at the British for leaning on them, to take the UN's offer, finally decided to do something about it. 2018 In a bloody revolution, Ireland, and Part of Scotland, became free of British Occupation, becoming their own world super power. Their next goal was nuclear weaponization. 2020 Ireland has succeeded in obtaining Nuclear Power, and has shut off transportation to outside countries, except friendly ones. British/Irish Relations are hostile.
2 carriers, 10 C-130s and the airport are built Japan starts to make 3 drones and 2 AC-130s as it prepares for an attack from NorthK but asks NorthK to find a peaceful resolution and asks to meet
NZ spreads it's troops around evenly to the military bases spread across the country, numbering at 50 troops per military base with a tank stationed at each base. A larger military compound is under construction near the centre of the north island to house a larger force and provide better training grounds. No action is taking place about the terrorist group as there's no plausible way the country knows about its existence.
Arabia under Supreme Leader Shadid declares forced conscription of all men and women, physically capable, to join the military. Within the next 5 years, a military force of at least 10,000,000 people (Arabia is 35,000,000 people strong at the time) will be created to defend the nation. It's goals for January 2021 are for 2.5 million troops. Due to the dictatorship-nature of Shadid's regime, the extremist riots in the Northern Arabia are quickly dealt with. Militarised Police from across the country are moved to the cities and many rioters and extremists are killed to show that riots will not be tolerated. Marshal law is declared in those cities and those suspected of causing the riots are executed. Thousands of rioters are sent to newly-created work camps in order to create weapons and ammunition for Arabia's upcoming military. Concerned over Islamic State presence in Iraq and with its own trade routes into the Indian Ocean, Arabia attempts to create several trade agreements and military treaties/alliances. •Arabia offers to sell cheaper oil to Japan in return for Japanese naval support of Arabian oil shipping routes as well as 3 Japanese ships and 1 carrier. •Arabia offers India indefinite oil trade so long as India provides military aid to Arabia against the Islamic State •Arabia tries to create a peace deal between Israel and Palestine (which it expects will fail. In that case, it will attempt to make a deal with Israel in which Arabia will help defend Israel against invasion, so long as Israel does not oppose Arabia's interest in conquering Israel's neighbouring Arabian countries) •Arabia speaks with several European countries about a potential oil deal in which they protect Arabian supply lines. This will help to counter Russian influence in Europe as it will no longer have the trump card to cut off oil supplies if it doesn't get what it wants. •Arabia continues to secretly release anti-Oman propaganda to its citizens and neighbours. Propaganda suggests that Oman is making a safe haven for IS leader. The alliances that it may create will only be temporary, given Arabia's goals. Arabia doesn't want trade to be dependent on other nations in order for its own trade to work. By invading Oman, Arabia will have access to the Indian Ocean without sailing through foreign waters. Arabia threatens sanctions against Oman. •Arabia builds 50 stealth bombers, 30 spy planes, 8 anti-air missile defence systems and 200 offensive missiles/mortars.
Ireland begins by Requesting a temporary alliance with Arabia. All able Bodied Men are drafted to the Military Reserves. Ireland builds 5 Cruisers, to patrol Main Waterways.
2 carriers, 10 C-130s, an airport in new Japan and a naval base in new Japan and Japan will now build 2 drones and 5 AC-130s
NK agrees to meet with Japan over S/Korea issue. Russia and China agrees to send delegates over the illegal acquisition of S/Korea. India will accept the deal IF trade tariffs are removed. Both Israel and Palestine reject the peace talks. European countries are eager yet skeptical about this oil alliance as they don't want to be dependent on a third world power.