World Leaders - PBP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -IIXII-AJ-IIXII-, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. - Ireland Requests a Meeting with Israel.
  2. The USA releases a statement:

  3. Since my post was last on the page, I will make these posts invalid as you have no reason to do so yet :p
  4. Russia, China, India (Other countries)

    All release statements on how USA will pay for this action on their own militaries behalf?
  5. K sorry AJ.
  6. - Ireland Becomes Impatient with the US.
  7. Japan holiday has ended and the construction of 7 stealth destroyers 2 carriers 50 F-22s 9drones 3AC-130s and 5 Katanas have completed and will now start construction on 4 more nuclear subs and 30k troops go into training 15k infantry 7k marines 4k navy (3k marines 1k midshipmen) 4k seal teams and the construction of 10tanks 30humvees and 20supply trucks have begun
  8. - Ireland Launches Missiles from Subs, and Blows All Bridges to The Island of Manhattan.
    The subs move to patrol the waters.

    Ireland issues a statement.
    "Kill our men, and we kill you ten fold. That unprovoked attack has sealed your fate."

    - Ireland Completes 1 Nuke, 1 LaserCutter, and 2 Warships.

    - Warships are moved to Manhattan.

  9. Rules:

    Unlike other forms of online role-playing games such as MUDs or MMORPGs, Players create their own characters and descriptions of events and their surroundings during play. Results of combat, which may include Player versus player encounters, may be determined by chance through dice rolls or software designed to provide a random result. The results of random chance may need to be provided to the players in order to avoid disputes that may be a result of cheating or favoritism.

    Alternatively, a forum may be diceless and rely on cooperation between players to agree on outcomes of events and thus forgo the use of randomizers.

    In the latter case, combat and other measures are handled by requiring players to avoid detailing the results of their actions, and thus leave an opening for a response by other involved players. Consider the following possible post from a character named Bob attacking Joe:

    Bob punched Joe in the chest, knocking him over.

    This post makes the assumption that Joe takes no further action to avoid the attack from Bob and that he will drop as a result. These types of actions are often called "autohits" as they "automatically hit" without allowing for a response by the affected character, and there may be rules against such actions (commonly referred to as the 'no power playing' rule). Alternatively, Bob may be required to write something like the following:

    Bob swung a punch at Joe's chest, attempting to knock him over.

    This allows Joe to respond to the action without contradicting the post.

    Depending on the rules established on the forum, role-playing and story can be pushed forward through moderation by a gamemaster, specific rules (often existing role-playing game systems), or by mutual agreement between players.

    Some games allow members of any writing proficiency to join, while others may require members to provide a sample of writing for review before allowing participation. In addition, a minimum word-count for each post may be required in order to encourage more detailed writing. Forums that cater to all levels of role-playing may have specific sections for various difficulty levels.

    You launched the missiles, they have not hit yet.
  10. @lord, invalid move, nuclear missiles can't hit US soil thanks to nuclear missile deffence system.
  11. - Ireland Launched the Missiles At All Brides, in an effective effort to Cut off Manhattan.
  12. Move is valid, it just will not land.
  13. "these aren't nukes. These are Tomahawks. And The subs got in with them. They aren't launched from afar.

  14. Good point.

    REMEMBER. You get 2 counters PER page for NOW.
  15. Again, invalid move thanks to nuclear missile defense system in place.

    (>The US mobilizes half their battleships, troop ships and 3 submarines with 15,000 troops on board.<)

    State of emergency declared, draft in full effect.

    50k troops begin training
    Production of 200 short range missiles begins.
    5 tanks sent to Manhattan with 1 battleship.
    500 troops sent to Manhattan.
  16. Japan has completed troop training and all construction has been completed and asks that Ireland remove forces from the US and that the US and Ireland seek peace
  17. (Again, Tomahawks ain't nuclear. They can't be detected by normal radar lol)

    - Ireland Mobilizes All Troops 500k, to Defend Major Cities.
  18. @zeth, as per rules your not allowed to react to me mobilizing my fleet just yet as it's a secret action
  19. @khajiit, I am not reacting. I am moving u newly trained troops. My cities are grossly in defended, and I just made manhattan a seperate island from US lol, so it would be wise to protect my cities.
  20. Arabia stops trade with countries that Russia is invading.

    Arabian fortress bombers bomb key ISIS bases.

    Arabia opens talks with Russia about having a triple alliance with Ireland to place pressure on Europe.

    Arabia supports USA in the defence of Israel.

    Thousands more long-range rockets, missiles and launchers are created