Zeth, you do realize devouring is just a troll right? Kinda like a half assed version of Eric Northman.
Zeth: You're right we should give guns to everyone. We can defiantly trust them with people who are a victim to bullying. Or to people who been hurt emotionally by others.
First off, I was responding to someone who said we had guns to defend against our government. You REALLY think we could take the government down with our weapons? That's funny. Hilarious. Second, got it from another forum board? The only forums I go on are this one and one for helping people build computers. I doubt they talk about this stuff on a website made for helping people build computers. Next time you come at me, try to understand what's going on?
Actually Tom your 10% correct. The use of medical cannibass for people with cancer is to help give them an appetite aka tha munchies. Second of all it is used as a pain reliever for many people. But remember it does not help people with glaucoma
That 'is' specifically why this right exist. Do you understand what it means to have the right to at least 'try' and defend your family and friends against a repressive government? And i definitely believe that if things were getting to the breaking point, our rights to bear arms would be one of our biggest deterrents that the government would face. Quick side note. Just cause someone has a bigger gun, doesnt mean they will blindly run into a gun fight. Honestly, with what you wrote in the post i quoted, you probably should of just said "yeah, i did". But if you want to claim that nonsense, go for it.
No. It would make me feel better If people found better reasons than 'self defence' for carrying a gun. Do you walk around with it in your hand? Constantly alert for any other armed people? Do you have your safety off so you can kill the other person faster? You seem to think that it would help you to carry a weapon, if someone who has any practice aims and shoots, your dead. Whether you're carrying or not.
I would love for anyone to give me a valid legitimate reason for a society to have guns all over the place. Which would you prefer, everyone to have guns legally, or no one to have guns legally?
Actually you can own tanks, fighters and cannons. The weaponry is non functional though. If you are willing to spend the money class 3 firearms are legal to own and fully functional.
America is filled with a lot of losers. (no offence). I bet all those people who say "We need guns to protect ourselves" don't even have a weapon. Why are you gonna get butthurt about something you don't have. America needs to get rid of guns. That's how we become a safe nation.
this is an open discussion,every person has a different opinion from the other,so insults aren't needed as long as you aren't offended yourself. We don't live in caves anymore to reply that way Make your point clear instead,you'll be heard even more
And yet other counties who have bans on gun don't even see this kind of crap. Your logic is defeated by your own stupidity.
the emotions arent similar to emotions we experience. Do dogs know they hate you? or is it instinct. Im not saying people should kick animals but is putting them in a tiny place/massive barn hurting them? And if me questioning the by the broad public accepted truth is stupid, then im stupid.
You seem extremely confident in what you just said. Especially after the train situation in France and the shooting that happened there a few months ago. You know, cause they have very strict gun laws.
Twinkly: What happened in France was because of what they did. They provoked a certain group. It's not like a guy came and shot little kids while they where at school. You can only find that stupidity in America. Stronger gun control means a safer environment.