If guns make people safe then exactly how many guns does it take to make all the people safe ? America has a few million guns and seems to have more than a little bit of crime.
Farr posting before I get to post as usual :lol: Let me put it into perspective for you, you have a gun, but you've had to put it under lock and key so your kid doesn't shoot your face off for being so god dam stupid having the gun laying around. So you're having a nice meal then suddenly some guy bursts into your house and has you get gun point, but silly you have locked the gun so your child doesn't shoot your face off. Do you honestly think you can say hang on there buddy will I go and get my gun to shoot you? Just comments from cases where schools have been shot up, some idiot comments "if the teachers had guns that wouldn't of happened" Then there's that guy shooting the report on a live interview because he was fired from that station. Let's face it but hardly any of you will know how to use a gun and it will be less again on how many of you will have that gun at your side when you need a gun to defend yourself. This "we need guns to protect ourselves" is why these idiots shooting up places can get hold of guns more easily, it's a temptation to use it. It is a lot easier to defence yourself from stabbings and a angry bar fight than some moron with a gun. Which I'll add that he'll be another person who's used "I need a gun to protect myself" Your protection law of guns is out dated you're not defending off wild animals or bandits trying to steal your cattle. I can say more but there's that many shootings in America that almost all of them go unreported. Yet if there's a single stabbing or shooting here in UK it's blown up everywhere. That tells you right there your misguided view of needing a gun to protect yourself is a pile of crap. You just want a gun because you just want a gun. There is no other reason why.
Seriously? It's exactly the same argument used by pro gun people. Just with different objects. The point is the same. A knife can kill one person at extremely close range, an automatic / semi automatic rifle or handgun can kill multiple people simultaneously. An f35 can level a city block (in less time than an idiot can massacre 30 kids in a school I might add). So yes, it's an extreme exaggeration, but the point is the same. I don't think guns should be banned from America, I just think you guys need Much tighter controls. Psych eval before purchase and every 2 years.
In America the right to own guns is a right that was established for the people to protect themselves against the government, not just each other or foreign threats.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion but i personally feel that I, being a uk resident, think that guns arent the best of creations. You see m'hearty, i have never been shot or afraid of being shot. Whereas in 'murica land of the "free" id be constantly petrified of being shottered. And not the good kind of shot. The kind of shot that leaves a bullet in your belly. And not because u swallowed a bullet but because it was inserted into you unwillingly at exceptional speeds. And for future reference the good kind of shot is the kind of shot that gets you SWEEGERED OOT YER DIAL M'HEARTY
Does any thread in forums inspire you to type useless garbage like this that makes you not only look like a noob but makes people that are actually interested in forums bored and sick of you?
They do for sure,only thing is that we do not understand them,in some religions it is mentioned that they believe and worship aswell -hard to believe that- yet how do we know if we don't get the sounds they make? Hence they shan't be abused at all!
So back to my use of the f35 as an example, how exactly is a gun going to help you against a state of the art stealth fighter/bomber? It's not. At all. if the American government turned, you would be stuffed. (Providing the forces obeyed orders)
there is a difference between giving animals rights and not abusing them. To a certain level its mainly the humans who feel bad for said animal.
If there are rights for animals that would be protection from any sort of abuse,not building villas for them or setting them as an hier like some sick people do ...also a painless death when attempting to use them in food industry instead of torture
Well i was forum banned on another ATA game for being a Christian.. So id assume promoting any Christian family values will be banned on KaW soon as well Just so you know where my thoughts on this would be. But i cant talk about my Christian beliefs on ATA's games anymore
This post is just outright stupid. Do animals have emotion? Yea they do! Are you stupid? If I kick a dog (not that I would ever do that) they're gonna feel emotion against me and dislike me from then on. You sir are what I like to call a dumb ****.