Work Life Sucks

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by JJWall, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. Forget work and school. It's a zero sum game of perpetual debt.

    Drop out, quit your job have a couple of kids and apply for welfare.

    I'm being totally honest here.

    Then tell everyone how hard your life is because working won't pay enough to put food on the table for your kids.

    That is the future of this country. Politicians have handed our economy to Asia on a silver platter, catered to every wish of corporation in their endeavor for endless profit, and disenfranchised an entire generation of young people in this country in the process. They're using tax loopholes to hide profit overseas and deprive the American people of tax revenue that could go toward improving our economy and creating jobs.

    Why are kids so apathetic and "lazy" these days? Because there's no friggin point of them even trying to make an economically stable life for themselves when they have to compete for wages with the the third world while paying first world cost of living.

    Why work for 8 bucks an hour and make under $1000 per month when rent for a one bedroom apartment is $2500 per month? Meanwhile, Apple, Microsoft, and just about every other manufacturer has shipped your good paying jobs overseas to China where they get paid $5 per hour and the cost of living is much less.

    Keep buying crap made in China, and you will get what you pay for. You want cheaper products? Guess what the cost is - almost every single manufacturing job in America. We did it to ourselves.

    We took the poison pill of saving a few bucks to buy a Chinese-made product in exchange for our future prosperity.

    Next time you go to the store and pick up a product, look at the label on the back and see where it's made. Every time you take that crap to the register to pay for it, that's another chinaman who gets a job and one less American who gets a job.

    But nobody gives a crap. All they look at is the price tag. And you know what, if consumers wanna be that lazy to understand where these products are made and the consequence of feeding into a system of outsourcing, then you absolutely don't deserve to even have a good-paying job.


  2. i spy with my little eye a pimder :lol:
  3. Imitation-Cheese

    That is the most overly negative thing I have seen in these forums. And encouraging everyone to leach off of society because it's too hard? What a defeatist attitude.

    In what situation would your working income be half of your rent? Are people taking out loans every month to pay for rent? NO. If that's the case then MOVE. Don't be a low life scrub who wants to live in the "big city". Go live in rural Saskatchewan which is what you can afford (no intention to harm the rural saskatchewenians). If you're only makin 8 bucks an hour, I assume you should be able to manage to get a retail position anywhere in the country, so MOVE.
  4. You should work smart AND hard, then, like you said, your money should work for you.
  5. Hard to believe you can get into college these days without knowing the difference between brake and break...
  6. A good lesson as to why you need good grades.
  7. Imitation, menial, no-skill jobs like factory work are too lowly for us now due to technological advances and robots.

    Even if we did have all the manufacturing, tons of jobs would be lost to robots that have a much higher work capacity than people. In the same way that the mechanic replaced the horseshoe maker, the computer engineer and software developer have replaced the factory worker.

    I think the answer to low wages/unemployment is not only a higher minimum wage, but also better education to create a more skilled workforce. For example, there's recently been a boom in job openings in the tech industry within the past 10 years. Yet, the number of students enterring the field has stayed the same. If those openings were filled, many great paying, high satisfaction jobs would be had.
  8. As liberal as you are, I'm surprised that you support gentrification. :shock:
  9. ...what's wrong with SK?
  10. Nothing. I said no harm intended for the rural saskatchewenians or the raginas
  11. This is not true at all. Manufacturing still requires the use of humans to quite a great extent.

    Also, it seems like you're not well-informed about what's involved in a manufacturing operation. Manufacturing doesn't just create jobs for people physically making the product - it also creates lots of other jobs to keep the factory going - really good paying jobs.

    You've got operators, technicians, supervisors, engineers, operations management, logistics planners and operators, financial planners, IT support, etc etc. The factory floor workers are just a small part of the larger manufacturing operation.

    So, no, not all factory work has been replaced by robots and software. While robots do have a place in manufacturing, humans still do much of the work.
  12. :lol: you caught me