Wolf Sabre-Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Marodo, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. Use the return/enter bar. It'll make everything easier to read and the story run more cohesively.
  2. Thx feather, for some reason, it never shows up on my idevice, only on pc.
  3. Like the start of a new paragraph
  4. Do it like this:

    Relyks went out one cloudy day...blah blah blah.

    The guard replied, “Probably a lone piece of blah blah blah.”
  5. Bump

    Thinking about making illustrations 
  6. Haha, pimella it seems u rlly like my story
  7. Bump, i added a link on pg 1 so u dont have to surf forums for the story
  8. Haha soon, rl soon.

    Pim, u were a fan of my iroleplay idea?
  9. Kinda... I'm not a big RPer, and using safari for RP is no fun. I think palringo is better.
  10. Uh huh,

    Im making iRoleplay on the web now, pal grouo will e remade