
Discussion in 'Wars' started by -deano-, Jun 24, 2012.

  1. Lol deano.... I think most of your clan is inactive, including jennu.
  2. Because they are not hitting the great tactician that is you does not mean they're inactive 

    Priority targets? That mean anything to you?
    I'm very sorry sunshine that you're feeling left out but I tell you what I'll make an extra special effort to show you that love that you haven't felt since daddy dressed up as Santa Claus and left a little present on your face 
  3. My apologies to jennu, who is actually hitting. You can lie all you want beano, but most of your clan ain't fighting
  4. Beano, that's the best you can come up with? 
  5. so how many are fighting in your clan, or is cc pretty quiet these days?
  6. I suppose they're not fighting because of the massive amount of incoming that's reported in cc? Wait...

    You've already said you're wasting your time pot burning an allyless account, and yes, you can always rely on jenn to keep on biting back.

    Master tacticians, please teach me to win as much as you do buddy 
  7. lol your as deluded as morgan. Not really surprising.
  8. yes princess, cc is deadly quiet, we're all cowering in the corner hoping that the big bad ig doesn't come and blow us away
  9. There are so many people talking in your cc right now, that you have time to argue with me.  Your just lonely right?
  10. Pull the crayons out of your nose, tighten up your helmet and ask daddy to stop touching that special place sweetheart, don't listen to the rumours, one day a lady will actually touch you, probably accidentally, but still, if all else fails I'll lend you a fiver and let you borrow my phone 
  11. Wow. I hope to god that you don't work with children. That's kinda creepy
  12. Because my post indicated that I'm a paedophile? Dude you're messed up, your logic is seriously off. Just because you may be a product of inbreeding/abuse doesn't mean you have to tarnish the rest of us with the same brush  * plays duelling banjoes*
  13. haha deano, I'm crying here at your sense of humour.
  14. Wanna hug it out?
  15. lol, hell no

  16. I'll keep most of my clothes on 
  17. Lmao deano  how come I don't get offered naked hugs!
  18. always support deanolurve ur crazy ass
  19. dean do i know you from voodoo , because being part of one of the greatest clan warriors in kaw's history we were taught that in order to win you need players that attack and win and loose on attacks to burn your pots and spy burn pots, spy assassinate you soldiers and spy killing your spies , this is how you win a war with a combination of players doing different tasks ,its called pinning your behind at all times no matter how , also i was in foxes and they always said to me stay off of forums and kick the rivals behind . fight in the shadows , you know your winning .