
Discussion in 'Wars' started by -deano-, Jun 24, 2012.

  1. SoupNazi, if you had read, you would know he said he only has 20 bil in allies. It's not like they can't figure out his timezone anyway :roll:
  2. You didn't even have to read. It's not that hard to see he has two allies...
  3. Yes soupnazi, well done.
    If I was concerned about my timezone I wouldn't have posted the ss in the first place.
    Thing is about this war, there's a lot of people that have played this game for a while that already know each other and their timezones, and regardless of that it's not that hard to figure out.

    Go England for the euros! (for those that hadn't already clocked it ).
  4. It's the same screen shots posted over and over?...
  5. [​IMG]

    Ok soupnazi see you after your ***** weekend war 
  6. Lol nuce deano
  7. @ martyn why would I post the same ss over and over again, maybe they're just quick at failing, this is the legendary ig after all :)
  8. Or you could post the ss of how many times I just failed in your news...

    Oh yeah

    I didn't 
  9. Supports for Deano...Gl my friend
  10. Haha great thread deano 
  11. beano, have you never heard of zeroing a spy? Obviously not dumb ass
  12. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :lol:
  13. If a spy is zeroed he is not affective. But beanie being the genius that he is obviously does not think so. PE pedigree for sure
  14. I'm falling in love with this newly discovered photobucket 
  15. he's pot burning you nub.

    That's the idea. Successes is just a bonus
  16. BUMP...... So people can see the genius of PE 
  17. He is pot burning you idiot what atk build can succesfully hit a hansel with one of every pot and a little bit of bfa?
  18. A) im hansel not spy
    B) I wasn't pinned by this bs
    C)with that many fails and weak spies you're barely touching my pots

    I got pinned once successfully so far in however many weeks this has been going on.
    Loosen up the chinstraps and Learn to read before you post your dribble ridden thoughts.It would be a fail if, big IF I had been zeroed 
  19. 104k spy Att Vs 3.19mil spy def. Yep that's certainly the perfect sweet spot to pin and burn a hansel!