wings of heart part 2

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Suzanne, Jun 4, 2016.

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  1. Just to clarify things for the late readers, here is a proof that she's using a punctuation. That is her favorite expression.
    Nice personality-name-gender rp though.
  2. No honestly it would be nice to not have to read a senseless garbled mass of words without a pause or break anywhere. Pardon me for actually wanting to USE the English language like it was meant to be used.
  3. Why do you even try lol. Just enjoy the thread for what it is xD
  5. Hi guys so I just joined pond so I will not be on for a while
  6. Pimd I meant to say
  7. Wise decision, have fun & good luck
  8. Thanks I will
  9. Damn Susanne! Way to leave us hanging.

    I hope drew doesn't eat her.
  10. Yeah I hope so too
  11. Anyone encouraging this needs to stop.
  12. I thought it was an amazing story.
  13. PART 3 WHEN?
  14. Come back of the year.....I hope this means more great stories from suzanne
  15. It's like reading a twistaplot written with monobrow grammar ... Everything seems good now! 
  16. It's as if Stephen King took mind altering drugs....a literary masterpiece!! :roll:
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