Willy's Guide: Tracking Leaks

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Jun 16, 2012.

  1. Or do household chores like vacuuming, washing the kitchen, laundry or ironing lol
  2. You can also use your opponents stat postings to find vulnerable players assuming their leadership is too slow in kicking them, or post stats ob your enemies wall. If he truly is inactive, no one in the clan can remove the post
  3. Or sleeping.

    That's my favorite household duty...

    "Pillow Effectiveness Test"
  4. Nice thread. This should be stickied !!!!!
  5. Agreed this should be stickied with the summer wars coming up
  6. Nah. They can't sticky my threads.

    I wrap them in Teflon before posting.
  7. You rock Willy!
  8. Omg!!! Im popular!!!! Lol sticky!!!!
  9. But you'd get more losses if your just burning attack pots.....
  10. Yup .. Pot burning adds to losses so its only effective if said person is not reporting in CC...
    Also might be good to point out that with the locked roster u can't kick until 12hrs in .. So you assign a spy to plug your leak instead

    Its true, walling stats shows opponent who is active (as wins don't increase) but its much easier to just hit down the war roster to discover leaks..esp. If hitting from pin
  11. Very very smart
  12. I've also learned a valuable hint in this new tourney system...

    The ANDROID user.

    The android user has access to updated individual stats DURING THE WAR!

    You can track who is doing what ON BOTH SIDES during the war. Pretty cool, if you have an Android user in your clan. A new twist!
  13. Yup, android users can see plunder earned in live time during the war for both sides, thus being able to exploit their inactives or boot your own (after 12h of course)
  14. I stopped at the word "math"......

  15. Great win Thread. It will help noobs to come for ages.
  16. Witty factual great pictorial to keep interest.
    While for system wars the perfect tradition to "Track Leaks"
    As we have had few system wars only osw and known moles or worse is in the clan we keep a separate spread sheet outside the game. This way we can track treachery as well as leaks while the rival provider remains unaware we are watching and cant erase tracking info. Some put this win/loss in the title but when the villain bolts info is lost. This gives the illusion to the perpetrator we are pleasantly naive and that their dastardly brilliance is secure. This way we can hurl insults and give false info and permanently track the varmint to the end of time, provided they don't reset.
    On the same spread sheet we track time zone and stats to watch for sudden build changes and confirm what time in the future to strip.
  17. I've had one occasion where a member in my war wouldnt talk on CC, respond to walls, nothing, yet the loss ratio rose, so I booted. and not 5 minutes later, they walled me. Lol. Oops.