Willy's Guide: How To Dress For KAWing

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Jul 20, 2012.

  1. Say good bye to naked kawing :lol:
  2. Where can I get these products!?!?!?!
  3. I'm sure a Gor-illa fell for the monkey at first sight. 
  4. If you're an attack build, essentially you're naked.

    Hansel jackets cover a little bit. But leave lots to the imagination.
  5. One word for you!

  6. LMAO
    I have dropped my phone on my face one time. Ridiculous.

    Thanks willy:)
  7. I need those gloves, where can I get a pair? Lol I seem to drop my iPod on my face a lot and it HURTS. :)
  8. Hilarious
  9. I've woken my wife up accidentally when i've done this.

    She was like "What happened!?"

    I'm like "Damn driveby! Someone threw an invisible rock at my mouth."

    She rolled over and went back to sleep.
  10. Lol. You never fail to amuse me, Willy.
  11. Seriously.

    It's like reading a newspaper. I never do this with clothing.

    My co-workers hate it, but whatever. Relaxing is relaxing.

  12. I now have a patent on the "Hansel Jacket".

    Turns out it floats too.
  13. Bump.

    I need attention.

    And I updated the front.
  14. You need to make a kaw food to keep us alive (and awake(and active( and awesome(4 a's )))) for days at a time!
  15. well done