Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Apr 17, 2012.

  1. :lol: :lol:

    Willy is most like Forum President
  2. Bump da ToU!!
  3. Speaking of forum president, I'll make a thread if everyone agrees. No need to be hired
  4. And dropped, I'm too nooby for yall to hire my allies
  5. So,

    You appear on my thread to - if I can translate this noobican dialect correctly- hire your allies?

    Oh boy.

    I give some high fives out to some noob farm ss's.
  6. Horrible thread i say
  7. Slayerbob is the president. Therefore he will be making the presidential thread
  8. LOL Charles emerges from pin to try to spread his cheer.

    Besides the usual - "it sucks" - response, give me your valid reasons for lock, all mighty lock messiah.

    Enthrall me with your lameness.

    No pressure.
  9. Enthrall... Another word I haven't heard in a while
  10. Willy, I didnt mean hire my allies. I was saying don't farm me for my big mouth. And sorry for the misunderstanding
  11. Oh willlyyyyyyy you are one of a kind i tell you that.
  12. It all make sense now
  13. Yes.

    Elves, carry on, sir. I misinterpreted.
  14. So, I assume this guide is only for those who wish to develop an alt simply for the sake of trolling and not for actual play??

    Also, if you're too scared to post with main, there are a couple simple solutions: quit or get really big.... Chicken shits. 
  15. Android version is a lot different from the apple version O
  16. Hmm some people may have an iPhone for a cell and iPad as their little laptop or whatever since it's bigger. So yes, sadly you can have many accounts