Willy's Couch: Interview With -TROLL_MaCHiNE-

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. Who the hell is Willy?
  2. oh oh, i tell you. he looka lika man.
  3. Kid what you trying to pull?
  4. ok ok, i tell you errrryting. he uh...he looka like a man.
  5. Riveting .

  6. Kid I swear! Don't be gargling cum in front of me
  7. Why is that censored I said "cum"
  8. because this is a 9+ game. show some class or cleverness with your insults and you won't get censored.
  9. why are you so angry all the time anyway? you are like a caricature of a grumpy old man.
  10. 5 minutes weren't wasted
  11. Kid I swear! I'm gonna beat yo ass with a harpoon.
  12. that's a little better. but my next tip for you is to not use a small account to threaten me. i do have alts small enough to beat on you without feeling overly guilty about picking on a small account.

    not a threat. tbh i am incredibly amused by your impotent rage. i'm just sayin.
  13. Is that a threat Harpoon licker?
  14. hmmm. i don't know. let me go back and reread what i wrote.

    its a mystery. i guess we will never know.
  15. Lol @ the mrs swan antics️
  16. ^gets it. :lol:
  17. ***** you know I hate damn mysteries!
  18. Holy hell! I almost swallowed a nickel laughing at this! LOL!
  19. the forums are always a good time. ;)

  20. If at first you don't succeed.....
    Please try again