Willy's Couch: Interview With -TROLL_MaCHiNE-

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. You monster.

  2. I heard from a very reliable source that if you are white, you don't need to wash your hands after going pee, unless of course you pissed all over yourself... Then you may want to.. Any white men out there to confirm this? The guy I heard it from is white, but talks like a black dude, so it's like 50/50 reliable actually.. 

    Besides that, we all know trolls never leave their bridges... Trolls are always down to **** some bridges... Big bridges, little bridges, even crazy bridges...

    **** bridges, get money
  3. This seems like it should've had something to do with tea...
  4. you cant hit the target no handed?

    pro-bro tip

    ever seen a fire hose blasting away out of controll?

    dont wait until your bladder is ready to explode before hitting the restroom.
  5. Re: Willy's Couch: Interview With -TROLL_MaCHiNE-

    50 million pounds
    (Europe money)
  6. Re: Willy's Couch: Interview With -TROLL_MaCHiNE-

    Too fat. You need go diet.

  7. Six down under is more like 18 in mericuh
  8. Ha your nothing but a forum tough guy troll I never see u on...

    N itll take me 24 hrs if that to be unsilenced again
  9. Bro, I didn't mean to cause such strife. Maybe if you just shake hands and maybe hug it out it'll all be cool.

    Now pardon me while I go drink some coffee.

  10. Is it strange that I hear him say khan every time?
  11. Willy's seen Larry Bird? Isn't that like the 70's? Wasn't even born yet. Not sure my father was even born yet. Are you a Vietnam vet as well?

  12. Thanks Willy for introducing me to face folding.
  13. Lmao will
  14. Larry Bird is still alive bro.
  15. Omg.. Did anyone else love the new trek where Spock is playing Kirk??

    Gave me some cereal nerdgasms
  16. Hahah love the effort put into the thread  good idea with those interviews 
    Support 
  17. This is pure genius.... I totally laughed out loud at this. Nice to see another interview.
  18. I think in the new Star Trek movies, they are trying to be subtle in bringing content from the former movies in as exact.
  19. Willy,

    I know you are online. Don't ignore my PMs bae.