Willy's Couch: Interview With -TROLL_MaCHiNE-

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. 1337 SoD
  2. The funniest thing about this thread was the fact that someone who was active " and not botting and making a mockery n destroying kaw for the working man n women " was troll saying he had a gf............now im not normally the type of person to criticize but if your gf wife hubby or bf spent the same amount of time on kaw as troll did you wouldn't give this saddo the time of day
  3. Willy can you ask the question " has maling kaw the main priority in your life made u happy"
  4. Well,

    In life, we pick our own jobs/life style. If he is able to KaW at his will, then so be it.

    I get to KaW 80% of the day. #PcJob
  5. I can't, unfortunately. Troll is getting BIZAY. Studying.
  6. Dear Parsfan,

    I just got home and really enjoyed your wall and status message. I am a senior in civil engineering and graduate in 7 days. As of right now, yes I have a lot of free time. If you'd like I'll copy and post my transcript here for your amusement.

    I would also like to Thank you for the accusations, they make me happy I've gotten you so butthurt from farming the life out of you.

    Remember when you said you doubted I would farm you for 24 hours? It's been what, 5-6 weeks now.

    Enjoy your permanent silence.



    PS: looking forward to your "friends" strip on me, I'm sure it'll happen any century now...
  7. Sod? I got some in my front lawn.
  8. I have a question, after interviewing TIMDAFREAK is it even worth interviewing anyone ever again? Troll is cool and entertaining but of course my interview tops all. Kaw is full of amazing and rare and unique people, but I am better you all.
  9. Civil Engineering eh..

    Can you engineer a men's urinal where we don't have to "Hold our Willy"? (Oh I'm just so smart and witty! I always wanted to say Willy in one of Willy's threads)

    But seriously.. Please invent that.. I don't want to wash my hands..
  10. Willy. We should colab.
  11. just have your girlfriend hold it for you.

    that's what i do.

    have your girlfriend hold it.
  12. You're assuming I have a gf
  13. Hands don't count slashes is screwed there, word

    No pun intended
  14. no. i was making a joke.

    you with a girl friend. its so improbable that its funny. get it?
  15. No I don't get it..

    Btw.. I am literally at a urinal typing with my left hand while holding with the other hand..

    I am still deciding whether to wash my hands afterwards or not
  16. Wash, or not wash. That is the question.
  17. you pm'd me while you were holding it? :?

    *walks away*
  18. So basically, you were touching yourself to wordwaster? Thats ****** up. For me even. Lol, just messing with ya ashes.
  19. That's nothing..

    You all don't want to know how I kaw when I'm in OSW..

    When there is a strip going, I tap steals with my butt.. It's SO satisfying..

    I learned it from TIMDAFREAK