I cannot think of a clean thing to say about this so I'll just post it keeping it 9+ is very hard with this gif
I have an in-built Salty translator, the newest form of super computer. And no! The best burgers HAVE to have beetroot, a fried egg, and pineapple for it to be a decent hamburger/cheeseburger. For srs, its amaze
For those who thinks an ordinary cheeseburger (or Royale with Cheese) is awesome.. Behold!!! I bring to you.. From good 'ol US of A.. Pizza CHEESEBURGER!!!
Good luck willy... It's my bet the burgers win via clogged arteries. It's only a matter of time really...
Ok, after seeing this I think we need to revisit this cheeseburger talk... if she looks anything like her sister, then I am thinking the guy who traded the cheeseburger was takin advantage of