Will there ever be another KaW?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by ____xPxRxIxMxAxLx____, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. Lmao that's the best you got? how much u gonna get for hitting a new account? Enough to win a server war with thousands involved on both sides?
    Weak argument bro
  2. I think.it would add some entertainment...the exploit is already there and a new server won't change ppl doing this except by increasing the number of players willing to exploit, by your view any time we increase participation in wars there will be more ppl willing to exploit them meaning more actives=utter crappiness...somehow i think u have to remove the exploit not new players coming into the game to solve exploit issues growing as kaw gains more warring accounts.
  3. "Playing catch up". Who are you trying to catch up too. I don't think anyone starts a game looking to be #1 right off the bat. If you quit after a day it's because you didn't like the aspect of the game or it simply didn't grab you.
  4. Whos quitting after a day? And noone said anything about being number one. Yes alot of people do play aps to be in the upper echelon of players. Dosnt mean they expect to be number one
  5. Bring back future combat ?

  6. Let's be honest... the exploits are what keep KAW more interesting then other MMOs and is the reason why it appeals to so many players
  7. Hahaha ya we Got ourselves a humdinger going dont we.

    Wish the devs would be so kind as to post if this was a possibility or not and end it so we can just all go home lol

    I think we can all agree it would be awesome if they just made an old school kaw for us to play on. With t4 the max and no ebs, as someone mentioned earlier.
    Id be happy with that
  8. lol agreed primal
  9. So basically your solution to fixing the problems in KaW is just to open a new server whenever those problems start to appear in the server?

    Eliminate new players being overwhelmed? Players are overwhelmed because they don't take the time to learn the game properly and understand that they can grow fairly easily. If players take one look at a LB, crap their pants cause they think they'll never get there and leave is because they haven't taken the time to actually learn the game.

    Yes KaW is currently geared towards keeping their active player base (IMO). But there's still lots they can do to help out the new players.

    But instead of trying to help fix the problems in KaW, you want to jump straight to a new server just to start fresh.

    This all depends on how you look at KaW. In SOME cases, people are BC because they've been playing several years. In others, it's because they've spent a lot to get there. If you want to get there as quickly as possible you have to spend money. That applies whether you're a new account or an old one. There's plenty of ways for players to grow without spending money. IF they stuck around long enough to learn the game. Do you think new players take one look at LB and that's that? Most don't know what the LB is, what BC or hell, what lands are! They leave because they don't know what they're doing. And really, how can they when there's not much to teach them.

    I'm not sure if you've understood what Willy wrote here. From how I read what you've wrote, if an LB player and a new player spend the most they can in one day, a LB will come out on top. Well, duh. An LB player makes a lot nore gold than a new player. But I think you've missed Willy's point. Any player can come onto KaW and spend thousands upon thousands upon thousands of dollars and catch up to the LB. The current LB don't have to retire or slow down, you just have to have more money than them. Or, be willing to spend more than them.

    A new server won't stop that being the case. If you can't spend here to get to LB, you won't spend there to get and maintain LB.

    MONEY SPEAKS! You don't need a 6 year old account to make LB. You need a bottomless bank account :lol: I could start a new account right now and make LB if I wanted. It's all about how much money you want to spend.

    So yes, new servers work on many games. And in theory it sounds good here. But consider this. Server 1 and server 2 are both replicas in terms of features and mechanics etc., correct? How long do you think it'll take for players to join there, spend a heap of money and be BC? How long do you think it will take till inflation reaches a peak almost impossible to reverse? How long until here players are again, upset that they can't compete with the top spots because they don't have the money? How long till new players turn away because they don't know the game mechs? Or are frustrated with people pulling away from them? Or is your solution to this; start a new server until it happens? Then what? Cycle starts again?

    Until the problem in this server are fixed, there's no point starting a new one. In the end you'll end up with 2 servers where: money speaks, HTE dominates, inflation is ridiculous, new players are clueless, EE is going nowhere and I'm sure you get the picture. The same mistakes made in this server will be made in the next. Money speaks here. And so it will in another server. That is what the game is like if you want the top spots and the best rewards.

    Focus on trying to fix some issues here. And maybe then, a new server is plausible. Or you can play like many do. Grow at your own pace and have fun. And accept you will never get LB unless you have the money to compete for it. It doesn't matter whether that's this server or another. Money will doninate there too.
  10. Nah man. Im actually using a rotary phone just to type this.....

    Nah man. I always form opinions about things i no nothing about and then join forum boards solely for the sake of arguing with people....

    Nah man... Cause its not like i would then have to empirically prove that, that one single feature is entirely responsible for the games state of decline or demise.

    You would just take my word for it, right? of course you would...

    Nah man...gifting people stuff is so impersonal. In kaw, we hand deliver fruit baskets to each other, big ass fruit baskets man. You need a gorilla to carry it for you.

    Did you ever play mobsters on myspace, or the one like it on facebook?

    You wouldn't happen to be a game cause you sound broken.

    If your answer is yes, then i choose you as my answer to that question.

    I did...? This might get awkward.

    Maybe, but i never said it wouldn't work. To summarize, since you obviously dont know what the hell you're responding to when you're typing was, i said : your logic that "it worked for thiz otter games means it el facto-i win internetz-pew.. pew...pewpewpewpeeeeewwwww-" was an opinion, and a crap one at that.

    The saddest part of all this, is you cant wrap you head around it.

    I never said anything about something being superior to the other.

    So, i guess this is where our conversation ends. explaining how kaw is, at best, a text based game with a few pictures that relies on the social aspect of the game to draw and retain players isnt the same thing as your examples.

    And as far as im concerned, theres already been three other ata games that met your criteria of what another server would be. 2 of them recently were shut down.
  11. I really have to disagree with the points your making. Almost everything in this game is a competition and willingness to compete comes from the hope of winning imo. The Lb is dominating the game but you clearly choose to ignore undeniable data based evidence this board uses to show exactly who is doing the best in the game according to the people who created the game and therefore decide its purpose and criteria for what is an achievement and who is number 1,2,3 etc ... not you. Money talks abit yes but money alone is not enough to achieve a lb position...ask the top lb players if u don't believe me...even one of the quickest growing lb accounts told me it took them 5 yrs all up on kaw to get the abilities needed to grow that one acct. You cannot catch sum1 spending as much time and money on the game as u possibly are able to if they are are much larger than you...the maths is there plain to see, i can't understand how anyone can't see the figures. I'm not talking bout first 30 day brand spanking new players, i'm talking bout newer players who can do the maths and workout its an unreachable goal without the experience and social circles that years of experience and playing brings...do you realise you're not trying to catch the level they're at now but the level they will be by the time you reach them; new lands, new bonuses, new everything included, they're still able to grow at a rate faster than any new player in allies alone imo. And yes a server cycle eliminates alot of issues imo and is a permanant fix to this if the cycle is continued.
  12. Okay let's work on the hypothetical that a new server has been created. All new accounts start on the same playing field. LB has yet to be established as it's new, players are still growing, getting allies etc.

    The LB will start off competitively as everyone starts on the same playing field. It will take a while for clans to be established, to grow to a decent size and to run good ebs and even run HTE successfully. That will take time and will keep the game in the competitive nature you so desire.

    The LB are the strongest 200 players in the game. How do you become the strongest? Well obviously you need to grow. And what is the quickest way to grow in KaW now? HTE. The more HTE = the more gold = the quicker you grow = the stronger you get. The introduction of HTE has made BC possible in less than a year. I'm willing to bet in a couple months, it's possible to be BC.

    The people who can grow the fastest are the people who are able to make the most gold. Let's throw in that they have experience with the game previously too, they know what they're doing. We know HTE (apart from ZTA) is the best paying eb currently in KaW. These people will be the ones who end up on the LB eventually. They will grow the quickest. Their clans will be the strongest. They'll have the ability to run ebs like AFF, ASoF and LOTL while everyone else who can't hit B2B HTE is still growing an account. Meanwhile, they're already BC.

    You might be able to compete on a new server for a few months. You might even get onto the LB for a little while. But eventually, players who have the money to hit B2B HTE and throw xtals like there's no tomorrow will end up on top again. Hitting HTE makes you grow the fastest. Ergo, they will become stronger at a faster rate than those who can't hit HTE all day. And thus, the LB will be made again, full of the accounts who could grow the quickest to become the strongest.

    You keep saying 'experience'. Yes I'll agree it has some influence. But if you're on a new server, predominantly there will be a bunch of new accounts without much experience. You know who has that experience? People in Server 1 who have been playing for several years. And if they go to server 2, they'll probably make LB too. And then what? Keep making new servers where you play each one for a few months then change to the newest just to be 'competitive'?

    Personally I have no desire to be LB. It's nice being ranked and all and seeing it go up as I UG. I can still compete with others without being in that top 200 accounts. It's fine if you wanna compete to be LB, I take my hat off to you. But you're failing to realise the frustrations you have on this server about not being able to reach LB will carry on to a new server. You START on a level playing field but it won't take long for experienced accounts with money to over take you. And here we will be again, asking for server 3 to try and compete for an LB spot that will eventually be a pretty speck on horizon once again.

    So I'll say again. Maybe a new server for KaW is plausible one day. But the dominance of HTE does not make it plausible in the way you want. Well, not for long anyway. Of course if you have the money to reach and maintain LB on a new server, then good for you. But if you don't, it won't be any different from this KaW today.
  13. I'm not saying you won't need money, but i'd prefer to spend money on a game where i'm able to start on an even ground than spend money on a game unable to catch those who have the high ground already & yeah if it ends up the same as server 1 so be it, start a new server again & whether i'm on top or not in s2 i'd still play s3 again with more enthusiam renewed due to facing opponents at my level rather than the 1000 lvl's ahead or behind as newer players will be...i care very little if i make the top of the lb but having the opportunity to make it means alot to me. What athlete takes on a race that means sumthing to them if they know the guy ahead can run faster and has a 1km head start? A athlete who's self-absorbed and could care less about the achievements others make perhaps....I think it's unfortunate to see ppl like this in any society as they aren't team players and only look out for their own benefits.
  14. Fair points, South. I can see where you're coming from. But I'm looking at a new server in terms of more than just LB. There are problems in KaW that make it redundant starting a new server just for the same things to happen there.

    Remember that this is a 6 year old game. You can't come onto a game expecting to be able to compete with players that have been around longer than you. But I believe you can still make LB if you start an account today. IF you have the means to do it. There's plenty still to compete with in KaW. You can compete with anyone, even LB. If you have the means to do so. It might take longer, but you can.

    It all comes down to how you want to play the game.
  15. yeah, that's fair... there is alot more the devs could do to solve issues but having seen the state of updates over the last 2-3 yrs it's becoming clearer that the devs won't fix them. I haven't seen this idea rejected yet so thought its a good alternative considering in 5+ years of complaints about wars, gaps & lb control not much has been solved in relation to these matters. And yeah at one point i did expect to be able to reach the top of lb as in most of the mmo's i'd played b4 kaw this is achievable because they have servers released to combat lb forever maintaining their spots but abit after hte was released i gave up the chase and started spending alot less for the reason the opportunity wasn't available with my size & bank acct at the time and it made me lose alot of enthusiam to play unfortunately. I've started to accept profit based decisions, that's just the way kaw is & always has been but gap divisions are getting larger and is something they can change but won't so getting rid of the gap with a new server every now and again seems to me to get rid of 1 large problem atleast.
  16. Kaw 2.0 is smash
  17. A new server is a solution to some problems, in some respects. However it seems pointless to start a new server and once it has the same problems as this one, you start another one. It's not dealing with the problem. Just 'resetting' it and waiting for it to begin again. Then every server will eventually end up in the same state, having problems with no solution.

    But in saying that, there are probably some problems in KaW that you can't fix due to the way the game is set up. The only way to do it is a mechanics and feature overhaul. And that seems very unlikely.
  18. Yeah i get what u mean now, the server solution doesn't stop it, it just allows for folks to compete with the top players for as long as it takes for the gap to redevelop, i won't disagree with u there...& i agree, the mechanics need a complete overhall and would be the best solution i can think of but i think the devs think too many would complain because its changing the way ppl get there traditionally and would cost them more time in development than any event/eb/war format they've added into the game. A cpl new lb's would be nice or atleast 1 based off your ability/stats that resets monthly so you can easily compare how players are doing over certain short time periods rather than over years...i'd still hope to catch other lb's but knowing i could beat 1 here n there on a monthly lb, in growth or war wins or earnings or whatever, would help alot to increase my enthusiam.
  19. Now I'll start off my statement saying that I haven't had a chance to read through all the posts yet, only to about the third page, because I'm on the bus to work but I think a system similar to PoE (the PC mmo) would be a decent system. Have the main league and then another league that lasts for about half a year with a special effect as part of it. Give top player a bonus when the league ends and move the account over to the main server. Unsure how well it would work or be supported but it's an idea :/