Will there ever be another KaW?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by ____xPxRxIxMxAxLx____, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. OP, a new server kills the old server, than there's one server again, with noobs staring up at Lb like you said, also think about the people who have put several thousand dollars into this game losing everything just so noobs like you don't have to spend money.
  2. Op doesn't understand that this is kaw not coc
  3. Accounts with older account experience behind them and tranferred funds maybe..no acct i kno of has gone from scratch to top of lb in that time...but if you kno of one please inform me when you get a chance, ty
  4. well let me inform you, Today you make more in one train than you did the first 3 years of kaw for Bc, first year people were rumored to have a billion but nobody could confirm, and during plunder wars people would scrap together a few billion in a 2 day pwar amd now people can make 5t in an hour lol
  5. i was here in the first 3 years and its not about what u get now, its about a lead that is insurmountable & discouraging new players
  6. There are 1 year accounts making their way up the ranks currently. Maybe not the top fifty, but not far off.
    Nice, and the best account uou can us to post with only has an "active for 7 days" badge.
  7. ally lb 10 lol
  8. it is very much learn about "inflation" the gold you earned then lost its value and is essentially worthless
  9. I actually did quickly glance at the ally lb, just missed it. decided to play it safe. Lol
  10. Listen, if you spend like the LB players spend, you can be LB in no time.

    If you know any LB top 10, you'll be sick knowing how much money they have spent in KAW. Way back I want to say in 2011 or 2012, ATA had to cap the amount of money you could spend, because someone spent over $20,000. USD in one day.

    Some people buy cars, other put down payments on houses....and a KAW LB person buys enough nobs to feed a third world country.

    I see this mentality all the time. And, if you truly wanted to be LB, you need to spend real life money to do it. Lots of it. If you dumped cash into KAW, you could be LB within weeks. I've seen it.
  11. that acct is closer to 2 yrs old but fair point, it's come up in a fairly decent amount of time...i'm walling them now to see if they had exp previous to playing that acct...but that's only one out of many & even if there are 10 more it only proves thats its challenging for most to compete at that level let alone new players. And I don't worry what account i post with or about others who choose too post wit alts or small stat'd accts and idk why it effects our conversation unless u think posting on forums with higher stats proves something...picking on folks for their small acct posting is just another reason newer players don't join forums much btw...
  12. Does gaw or pimd count as similar to kaw?
  13. Why would there a kaw 2? This game isn't dead yet I think a new server is a good idea though.
  14. I'd say pretty similar.
  15. If you want to use your experience/time played to support your argument, i(and most others) will judge the validity of your statement as to the source you supply. E.g. The activity badge of the account posting.

    Post what you want, but in the end thats the truth.
  16. If a lb player decides to spend the most he can..the maxed cap plus all available unloads plus all available bonuses and a player who's unranked does the same the lb comes out on top...the maths is there plain to see...you cannot catch those above you unless they slack off or retire because you can only compete at the same max level they already do.
  17. That's a little silly imo, no offense... i could of played 5 years and taken the last 4 off meaning i've only really got a year of experience...badges are for show, not meaning...if u want to judge some1 like that they'd need a badge for actual time played & all experience gathered from forums to clan management experience to all their actions suceeded vs failed stats, etc...and even then only a top 50 lb spot will prove you have the knowledge required to be there...every1 else is just guessing.

    Edit: the only fact i've stated is that in normal society the younger generation exceeds the older one nearly always and this does not show in kaw...& none of our statements are validified until we see the effects of a new server...its just an opinionative debate on how it will go, i'm arguing from the perspective of sum1 who's played both 1 server games and multi-server games from a new and old player level, if anything my new player badge on this acct should validify only more how a new can feel.
  18. I'm curious? Does anyone know of or heard of spenders like this on other MMOs?

    It's no wonder ATA doesn't promote KAW. I'ld imagine that within the circle of game/app developers they come across as drug dealers or pimps ie: bleeding their player base for max short term earning potential and blowing off any long term sustainability...
  19. I think its time, they Bring back Original Kaw No EB- just a Clasic Kaw Game -- PvP- War Base Plunder, get NEW equip But stay with only Low Lands... Maybe put a Poker room , for when you wait on Your regens...
  20. If they made this one that way and started a kaw2 like it is now i'd play and invest more money into both. 1 server for flat out war/pvp and 1 for eb fairies with a little war/pvp on the side would stop half the debates on game direction too imo.