Will there ever be another KaW?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by ____xPxRxIxMxAxLx____, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. I've been playing for 4 years and I once was in the top 10k but I don't play this for my lb rank position I play this for the fun I don't have to wait 7 days for a building to build like GOW I can level at my own pace also my troops REGEN unlike GOW you get attacked while resource farming and all your troops are gone this game is far better than any of the others if you want multiple servers go play those games like Gow and CoC but this one is just fine the way it is
  2. It's got nothing to do with competition. And neither has it got anything to do with even ground. If what you're trying to say is the hit range is a problem then I agree.

    Being on LB isn't 'dominating noobs'. Being BC or a bigger statted player isn't 'dominating noobs'. There are players out there who like to hit smaller accounts but that's not an LB problem, or a BC problem, it's a hit range problem.

    A new server sounds all nice and shiny. But what you fail to realise is it's going to turn out exactly the same as this one. The only difference is there'll be different people on LB than the ones on this server. Hell there might even be the same people. You don't need a few year old account to be in the top spot. Money speaks. And money will speak on a new server just as it does on this one. Maybe a new server will let you be LB for a little bit but eventually you'll be outranked if you can't spend the way some do to stay where you are.

    There's plenty of people to compete with in KaW. LB isn't the be all and end all.
  3. People explaining how they've played for like 4 years or whatever as if they really need to explain for like the 500th time that a new server would just straight up suck.

    Plebs that suggest it just have a dream of being high up on the LB when really they stand not much more chance on a new server as this one.
  4. Talk smack all you babies want but you lose in the end, kaw will die,as it slowly is anyway, and you all will be forced to play on a multi server game or not game at all hahahahahahah
  5. He calls us plebs and look at his stats after 4 years. Lmao
  6. And saying a new server wouldnt make a difference in size and LB is idiotic. If a guy starts first week of a new server and only buys one seal a week for the next three years, he will be huge......
    Buy one seal a week on this server and in three years you will be big but it wont be near as relevant bc the guys that are 5 years ahead of you will still dwarf you.

    You all cant figure that out on your own you need some help.
    And when would you crybabies be ok with a new server? When the game is down to 20 actives? Lol selfish much?
  7. What he said
  8. It's true that making progress in a new server would be very different to making progress in this one. But eventually the same thing will happen as it is happening here: the people who can spend the most will end up on top. Whether it's a 1 month old account or 5 year old one.

    It's not about being selfish. A new server sounds good in theory and I know it works for many games. But I think a new server will end up in exactly in the same state as this one. Trying to fix the problems here and now is a better solution than making a new server. The two servers will be the same where HTE and money dominates. Painting over a crack doesn't make it go away. It's still there, underneath, getting bigger.
  9. You really need to use an alt on this thread? And yes most leaderboard players would prob make an account in any new server and dominate there. It's really not a fix, would just delay the stat disparity. Would also kill growth of kaw on current server hurting the devs income. All in all it's a stupid idea, you want a participation prize I suggest tball
  10. Why am i an idiot for suggesting something that works wonders for most other war games out there?

    The sheer emotion that this idea brings out in some of you suggests your afraid it would work.

    99% of you are completely ignoring the posts ive made about why it would work, and instead of responding to the points i make you say "oh that wouldnt work here" or "this is dumb" lol. Why wouldnt it work? All the evidence is to the contrary
  11. I won't post anymore on this thread since this has come up many times before and the opposing response is always the same.

    OP did you ever watch the Seinfeld episode where George is trying to save the Frogger coin op video game bacause it still had his high score from when he was in high school?
    It's pretty much the same thing going on here but even a little more neurotic. People trying to protect their weak egos at the sake of other people's pursuit of enjoyment/entertainment.

    iPhone 
  12. What point?
    That you cant see the the amazingly gigantic differences bwtween kaw and every ranked game you posted?

    Those all are a game first. You login to play. Kaw is a social driven game first.

    Now show us how seperating a social community benefits kaw.

    And kaw basically already had two different servers. GaW, and FC. They were shut down.

    You are ignoring the fact that ATA has probably invested many man hours into researching the pros and cons of appling this feature to their "unique" game.

    But again, many of yall seem to think this game is they same as the ones at top of the app stord ranks.

    They share a category. A very generalized catagory.
  13. Yall are hung up on this idea that kaw is some solo type game. Like some how an individuals stats represents their dominance over all others. Well, yall are way off. Its their ties and clan stregnths that you are competing against.

    Open another server and it will be the same clans and alliances here running things here that will be there.

    And if you arent bc now, you cant afford to be one, and remain one on a new server either. yall are kidding yourselves.
  14. Im playing almost two years and are still playing catch up. But what hooked me to KAW is the social aspect of the game. So i seldom look at the leaderboards
  15.  Kaw will never die, even if I'm the only one left farming everyone, it'll be alive through me and only me flex
  16. That's to you tho...to many being top and dominating involves a top lb position...according to the devs for an official stamp of approval and their guidelines for the game that is the be all and end all...& i've looked around & there is no player who's spent their way to the top within the time frame that makes new servers unviable for that reason...& a new server won't end up the same because once its gets towards a year or 2 old they can start another one renewing interest for many yet again either starting on the newer server or being able mix with the older ones as they merge...it will eliminate new players being overwhelmed by the challenges they face today while keeping old servers active longer from merges and injecting new life into the game imo
  17. This happens occasionally on other games not as often as you think from what i've seen...i've actually seen newer servers merge into older ones to see only newer clans dominate so it can fly either way
  18. I think alot of people in this game and in real life need to learn the fact in society that the newer generation is almost always more educated and better equipped having already learnt what they can from the older and then evolving their skills even more, where as the older gen seems to be mostly stuck in their traditions and with old habits...unfortunately this doesn't show in kaw atm because old players who started n grew big 5+ yrs ago will always have that lead unless they choose to reduce their time & spending into the game.
  19. when people dont realize theirs top lb accounts about a year old 