Will there ever be another KaW?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by ____xPxRxIxMxAxLx____, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. A new server might draw in new players. But eventually it'll be a mirror of this server and someone, like yourself, will ask for a new server.

    Starting as a new player is daunting when looking at BC accounts. But they can either 1) Give up and leave or 2) Stick around, learn the mechs and find the quickest way for them to grow. We need better turorials explaining to players what the game is about to entice them to stay. With silver bar payouts, they can grow quite quickly. But many probably don't stick around to see it because they don't know what they're doing and quickly lose interest. Maybe devs can make a short event solely for new players. It can centre around a tutorial structure where they learn the game. For every new 'aspect' they participate in they get bronze/silver bars and some starting equip. Goals can be set and upon completion they're rewarded, with the idea of teaching them the game at the same time.
  2. Thats the whole point. One server gets full you open another, and so on and so on. Thats what keeps the game going indefinately. GoW is 4 years old and has alot of servers, they even have wars between the servers and prizes for the victorious one. Its also a top grossing game bc of this.. Dont say go play GoW then, i do play it, and i actually Think this is the better game, Other than gow having new servers
  3. And what happens to the first server when no new players come in? Older players leave? Clans can't get members to run their ebs? Eventually they drop to smaller ebs before closing altogether? People move over to the new server?

    If server 2 brings in all the new players, server 1 will eventually close altogether and everyone will be forced to quit or move to server 2. And then what? We will eventually have a replica of server 1.

    What we should be doing is trying suggest ideas to fix problems in this server. Painting over a crack doesn't make the crack go away. It's still there underneath, slowly getting bigger.
  4. They actually have that problem solved to..if a server falls below a certain active population level they merge it to The next closest server in power. No inactive servers
  5. That only solves the problem of activity. It doesn't fix anything else. That will make server 2 a replica of server 1 eventually.

    You want a new server because new players aren't staying. Trying to find a way to entice them to stay is a better use of resources than to make a second server which will eventually turn out exactly the same as this. And people will cry 'Server 3, server 3', so on and so forth.
  6. This isnt a new thing thats really debatable lol....its in use on many top games out there And is proven to work
  7. So you've started a new thread asking about whether there'll ever be a server...but we can't debate it? Or is it just that we can't argue points disagreeing with you?

    Just because something works in other games, does not mean it will work here. Thinking like that is asking for mistakes and problems.

    One of your arguments was to eventually merge servers. So why not focus on one server and work on that instead?
  8. Me personally I've played other war games with servers and KaW would not be a good game to implement servers on here because we already have inactive and useless accounts running around what we need to do is purge some of the inactive and dead accounts and start putting out ads on TV and Google play ads will bring in more people and about having to pay because of the stat difference quit whining u don't have to pay to grow just be active hit ebs get equipment and be part of THE KAW COMMUNITY
  9. Kaw 2 that's a reset of this game doesn't sound like a bad idea but it increases the speed of which this game dies unless a way from Kaw 2 players to come to Kaw 1 
  10. Whos whining? Ive stated more than once its a great game. Just would be an even better game if i could start in a fresh server with players all starting on the same level.
    Sheesh you mention multiple servers on here and everyone panicks, its standard practice on every other war game out there.
  11. So a new genre of Ata game..post apocalyptic. Just something similar to this except freshened up.
  12. If all the new players started on KaW2, what would the vets of this game feed on once they're done chewing on other vets?
  13. Not really, no
  14. I'd love it. Was actually surprised there was only one server when I saw game age
  15. shouldve arrived sooner
  16. Resources are better spent trying to fix some problems in KaW, rather than creating a new server and having to deal with the same problems in both.

    I agree player retention is a problem. Devs need to trial some ideas and find ways to encourage players to keep playing. It's not always about reaching the LB but about being able to grow. And players can grow if they stick around. It's getting them to stick around that's the hard part. I don't think BC being daunting is most of the problem as most new players don't even know what it is. It's having an insufficient tutorial and not being able to find help to teach them the game that's the problem.

    Btw, people aren't panicking...they're just disagreeing with your idea.
  17. ...I'm curious Willy. Why do you think that would suck?
  18. ??considering this 2nd statement you made (seems a bit contradictory to the 1at statement) ...why would a KAW 2 suck?
  19. That's if you're assuming a "new KAW" would die at the same pace and at the same time as the original ...i'ld argue that a KAW 2 would bring back a "TON" of people who were alienated by the original...

    ...and seriously like the players on the original would play both and wind up spending on KAW 2 also