Will the UK stay in the EU?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nathan_WINNING, Jun 25, 2016.

  1. I assume he's smiling at the irony of junker kissing the man who may (we don't know yet) have almost singlehandedly destroyed / started the ball rolling on the EU.

    Kissing on the cheek is a common greeting of many European countries. You're lacking in culture.

    @optimus, I highly suspect he's no longer officially welcome in his home country tbh.
  2. Find out what's the difference between an ultras (which I am) and a hooligan (which I am not) and you'll understand why I'm not a threat to any society.
  3. The English people chose the brave decision to leave the EU, to enter into the unknown in an attempt to better their country and to gain full independence again. No matter if you supported leave or remain, you have to admit that the decision that has been chosen by voters is a brave one.
  4. @Rio you are lacking sense of humour.
  5. I totally agree with here. Again...I can’t say anything against independence argument or against the will to have 100% control on your own destiny. As some detective managed to find my banner I am an ultras, an east european one therefore a right winger. If I would be british guess what? I would vote for LEAVE. But for independence and sovereignty reason only. As I said several times, independence worth any worse. I was debating about economic output only. Well...with some banter in between. Indeed maybe sometimes was a nasty banter.
  6. [quote="10101001101001101]
    The English people chose the brave decision to leave the EU, to enter into the unknown in an attempt to better their country and to gain full independence again. No matter if you supported leave or remain, you have to admit that the decision that has been chosen by voters is a brave one.[/quote]
    "The English people chose" the country was split on the decision
    Also apparently 7% of those who voted leave regret whilst only 4% of those who voted remain regret it, the referendum was decided by 2%. If those ppl had chosen what they now regret not choosing, brexit would have lost
    Also I'd hardly describe gullible as being brave, they voted cuz they were told it was what was best for the country - Farage & Johnson lied their way to the vote
  7. Ultras support acts of terrorism.
    End of discussion.
    Calling them hooligans makes them no less criminals than any other name.
    Attempted murder.
    Grievous bodily harm.
    52 year old innocent civilians put in hospital by trained terror cells that you openly support.

    You are a threat and unwelcome.
    The negative image you create for migrants and continue to attempt to justify continually validates the argument of leave voters that our security is better served in our own hands.

    The fact that you have continually belittled English victims of ultra violence, called families cowards and stated that children should not be allowed to go to see their national teams play demonstrated exactly what type of person you are.

    And I can assure you. As I said. We have enough trash of our own. We don't want that from other nations.

    Those who come and contribute in a decent manner that accept our laws and respect our values. They will remain welcome.
    You, at least in my opinion never will be welcome.
    You belong behind bars. You are a criminal that's supports acts of violence against innocent people.
    That's the first and last thing anyone ever needs to know about you.
    And quite enough of this thread wasted on you.

  8. Yes, my sense of humour lacks a homophobic department, what a terrible person that must make me.
  9. We the democratic people of the United Kingdom voted to leave the Eu..the percentage of who voted for or against is irrelevant to the result! That's how democracy works! Even if only 1 extra vote for leave was cast then the result would be leave! Politions from both sides lied' that's there job! If you regret the way you voted then more fool you! As for the petition to have a second referendum it has been proven that most of the signertures are false! Out is what we the UK voted for, out is where we will be
  10. 'We the people' this 'we the people that'
    I watched the "brexit:the movie" and they repeated that phrase a dozen times
    Sure feels like brainwashing to me
    Either way, should just get it done and over with, hopefully we don't owe the EU too much money and UK has a good pm
    Also need to reduce the potential damage caused by xenophobia
  11. No brainwashing at all! I voted with my heart and my head! To be ruled by unelected unaccountable faceless buruocrats is something I find unacceptable! Our fathers and there fathers fought for a free Europe! It seems no lessons were learnt from two world wars! Germany does not want democracy! They want dominance over the whole of Europe! I pity them
  12. Ironic that you agreed with an extreme right wing party then, which also shows signs of xenophobia - if your going to talk about world wars
  13. And that right wing party would be? I agreed with no party! I made up my own mind based on the facts and lies from all parties! The very fact that the Eu has announced that full integration of all the member states into one huge superstate makes there intention quite clear! Each member state will lose all identity! Each member state will have no say over anything they do! No,this was never going to work for the UK! But all the debates and arguments are for nothing now! Democracy spoke for the UK
  14. Let's make a comparison shall we.

    Farage - Aussie based point system for all immigrants.

    Eu - freedom of movement for EU ONLY citizens.

    Now let's look at the term 'xenophobic'

    "Dislike or prejudice against people from other countries"

    So let's put it into the correct context, you cannot be xenophobic against the ENTIRE world, however you CAN be xenophobic when you're selecting countries to be prejudiced against.
  15. Clearly you haven't seen the news where in UK, a German women was hit, a young polish boy was given a note saying his kind should leave, xenophobic graffiti on the London polish centre...
    Correct if I'm wrong, but these are the actions of ppl who voted leave
    Wonder what the EU supporters did
  16. No, these are the actions of a delusional few, things like this happened before the referendum too, they just weren't attention grabbers then.

    My point is it's xenophobic to put eu citizens above non-eu citizens.
  17. Things like that are bound to happen, but it's only a few isolated cases...things will settle down once everybody gets over the shock of leaving the Eu..the job now is to get ourselves out as quick as we can
  18. Should just get on with it?

    Simple to say. Not say easy to do.

    Remembering not one out deal was prepared first.
    My single biggest objection.
    Cameron through lack of preparation was forced to quit and buy the UK precious time to start putting together the 200 strong team of negotiators that will be needed.
    Civil servants not MPs.

    They are the ones who will make the deals, whilst the politicians wake up from the mess that none of them really had a clue what the people of this nation wanted.

    Demanding the UK rush headlong into negotiations without the adequate capability to carry out those proceedings is foolhardy.

    It will take years to resolves this mess.
    First we must suffer a new prime minister that wasn't elected, and then they must invoke the article.
    No other nation or the EU can force a nation to do that.
    Ensuring the maximum stability and allowing the dust to settle before rushing into hasty ill-conceived decisions is essential.

    We have had enough of ill-conceived ideas for now.

    Those citing racial hatred. There have been very few but highly public cases, which is hardly a surprise considering the nature and tensions that the referendum campaign was managed and run around by a select few.

    Those 85 cited cases certainly do not reflect the majority of 17million people.
    The primary case made for departure has and still is one of democracy and being able to hold our own politicians to account.
  19. And that was the driving force behind my vote for out! I don't want to be governed by people who are not elected by the majority! Is the Eu democratic? no its not! Imperialism by stealth!! Madam Merkel has her eyes firmly set on finishing the job that Hitler started
  20. The EU isn't democratic? Explain